Other animal health problems
394 articles

The reasons a dogs jaw is quivering are varied and greatly depend on the context of the behavior. For example, a quivering jaw for a moment is significantly different to prolonged trembling. For this reason, there are both completely benign reasons a dog's jaw is shaking and some very serious life threating...

Despite having a coat of hair, dogs will shiver when it is sufficiently cold. It is for this reason we often provide additional artificial coats when the temperatures drop. This does not explain why my dog is shivering, but it's not cold. In these cases, tremors and shakes can be due to various factors....

Excessive water consumption and frequent urination in dogs may be a sign of polyuria/polydipsia syndrome, which occurs when the normal control mechanisms for water intake and urine production are disrupted. In many cases, it can be an indication of an underlying health condition.
If you're wondering why...

Black wax in a cat's ear is due to the natural secretions being mixed with another substance. The wax itself won't be black, but these other substances cause the discoloration. Identifying the substance will help us to identify the underlying problem. There are certain pathologies and conditions to which...

A cat can start shaking for any number of reasons, many of which are pathological. The extent of the shaking is also important since there is a difference between a mild passing tremor and a consistent episode of shaking. Whatever the cause of the cat shaking, it is important to know that it is not normal....

As pet owners, we cherish the playful and energetic moments our dogs bring into our lives. However, there may be times when we notice a change in their usual lively demeanor. This may be due to a variety of factors, but one possible explanation is lethargy. Lethargy is a common condition in dogs, and it...

If a dog starts limping when they wake up, it can be easy to think they are merely stiff from rest. While this can be the case, especially with older dogs, it doesn't mean we should think a dog limping after sleeping is normal. On the contrary, it can be a sign of various ailments and illnesses, particularly...

Weakness, lameness or trouble walking can occur in any of a dog's limbs. This can be due to traumatic injuries that can occur anywhere, but limb paralysis is most common in the hindlimbs. This is due to the location of the spine, since injuries or pathologies affecting the spine often occur further...

The reasons why a dog is shaking and acting weird can be due to a range of causes which affect their nervous system. These problems also usually affect their appetite, meaning they stop eating. Although a dog may have localized issues which can cause them to shake or tremble, acting weird and not eating...

During development, any puppy can experience growing pains. Although they are good at hiding their pain, bone growth, tooth renewal and other developmental processes can provide normal levels of discomfort. A condition called panosteitis is often referred to as ‘growing pains’. Although panosteitis does...

Although every dog has their own personality, they are rarely lazy. Unless they have physical limitations, they want to explore, play and even just run around with no apparent goal. For this reason, when a dog doesn't want to walk, it is usually because something is wrong. Without a good reason to be tired,...

Fish, like other animals, are susceptible to a variety of diseases, infections, and parasites. Fish can become ill for a variety of reasons, including poor water quality, improper diet, overcrowding, and stress. Certain species of fish are also more susceptible to certain diseases than others. Recognizing...

Whether out walking or in the home, our dogs can ingest the strangest objects. Despite the fact they are inedible, many of the objects which seem irresistible to our dog don't appear to be appetizing in the least. Since they can be broken down in the dog's mouth, many of these merely pass through their...

A healthy dog's body is in a state of balance. There are proteins, bacteria, enzymes and many other important compounds and microorganisms which allow a dog to function. Some may not have a specific function themselves, but are the byproduct of specific functions. Not every dog will have the same levels...

Kidney problems in cats are relatively common disorders in cats, especially with older cats. As caregivers, it is very important we pay attention to any physical or behavioral changes in our cat. Unfortunately, the early stages of kidney problems in cats can have very few symptoms or even be asymptomatic....

Certain dogs are known for the considerable amount of drool they produce. While this provides practical considerations in terms of home hygiene, we may not think too much about where the drool comes from. A dog's salivary glands are very important, even if some are put to work more than others. Although...

Tendons are ligaments of connective tissue (collagen fibers) that connect muscle to bone. Thank you to them, the force of muscle contraction is transmitted to the skeleton to produce movement. When these tendons become inflamed, a process known as tendinitis occurs, usually causing pain and lameness....

Oral health problems in our dogs can be extremely detrimental to their health. Dogs use their mouths to eat. Pain and discomfort of the mouth area can make eating difficult and even prevent them from ingesting the nutrition they need to survive. They also use their mouths to communicate and even interact...

The development of tumors in dogs is not a new phenomenon, but our understanding of their causes and treatment is relatively recent. This is partly due to advancements in veterinary medicine, since our ability to treat other canine health issues and use better preventive medicine means they have a greater...

If your dog is squatting to pee, but is unable to, it is likely a physical health problem which is preventing them from doing so. A dog should pee regularly throughout the day to eliminate waste from their food and water intake. Female dogs squat down to pee, but we may see them squat without eliminating...

If you have ever spoken to someone who has had kidney stones, they will likely have let you know how painful they can be. Essentially a small stone made from various potential minerals, nephroliths block the passageway of urine in the very sensitive areas of the genitourinary tract. Dogs are known for...

If a cat cannot pee at all, it won't take long for a serious problem to arise. More commonly, you may find a cat has trouble urinating, a condition known as dysuria. Since we do not usually measure our cat's urine, it can be difficult to determine when they are not peeing as much as they did before. In these...

When we keep rabbits, it is not always easy to see the state of their urine. When they are in the hutch it should be soaked into the hay that makes up their substrate. When running around the garden, it will likely seep into the grass. This can be dangerous since our rabbit's pee can tell us a lot about...

Running around in circles or even chasing their tail is not abnormal behavior in dogs. It is often a healthy expression of their canine nature. Like all dog behaviors, if the behavior becomes compulsive or it is accompanied by signs of distress or discomfort, it may be a symptom of a problem. Various physiological...

Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of your dog's body. There are a number of metabolic processes in which calcium is involved. For example, in nerve transmission, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and the activation of enzymes, all of which are important for the smooth functioning of...

Creolin is a powerful disinfectant with a long history of industrial and medical use. It was first used in the 19th century, but its formulation has evolved over time. This is important to remember as not all products labeled as creolin will be the same. As a disinfectant, the action of creolin is to destroy...

It is not uncommon for a dog to occasionally chew or lick their paws, as this is a normal part of their self-grooming process. You may notice your dog chewing or licking their paws after being outside, especially if they have been in dirty or sandy areas. However, if your dog is compulsively and constantly...

Dogs lead with their nose. The olfactory sense of dogs is one of the most acute in the animal kingdom. It is a power which is harnessed by human guardians in various professional capacities, but for the dog it is the key to their wellbeing. It allows them to smell food for palatability, procure vital information...

Thanks to a diet of fish-based treats, commercial cat feed and whatever they might discover out on their travels, even a healthy cat's breath isn't always the most pleasant of aromas. It can often have a little bit of a fusty odor which is not always the best when they are nudging their mouth near our...

Leukopenia is a decrease in the number of leukocytes. Leukocytes, also called white blood cells, are important defense cells involved in innate immunity. They are the first cells to attack the infectious agents that threaten cats' bodies. Cats have five types of leukocytes: neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils,...

Mouth ulcers can occur in cats for a variety of reasons. These include plaque buildup to feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). In most cases, mouth ulcers appear as small, open sores in the cat's mouth. The most common symptoms are bleeding and pain, especially if left untreated. If you see ulcers in...

To better understand leukopenia in dogs, we need to understand the makeup of a dog's blood. Blood is part liquid, part cellular. The liquid part is known as plasma and contains fibrinogen and serum. The cellular part is made up of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes...

In lymphocytopenia, the number of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) in the blood is abnormally low. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that perform various tasks in the immune system, including protection against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. There are many conditions that reduce...

Bees do not just make honey. They do something essential for the diversity of plants in the world: pollination. They are responsible for pollinating plants near their hives so that other pollinators, such as birds, bats or other species, can transport the pollen they collect from these flowers to fertilize the...

Rabbits make excellent pets, but as with any other pet, getting a rabbit requires preparation and knowledge of what you are getting into. Rabbits are at the bottom of the food chain and in the wild, the weakest are the first to be hunted. Therefore, rabbits naturally tend to hide their illnesses and injuries,...

There are various substances in the home which are toxic to cats, but which are not common poisons in felines. The reason for this is because cats either do not have regular contact with the product or because they will otherwise stay away. The substances which are common poisons in cats are those which...

Guinea pigs are becoming increasingly popular and pets, especially for young people. This is partly due to their relatively easy levels of care. It does not mean they are disposable, nor are they impervious to disease. As with any companion animal, maintaining the right level of care will help to avoid diseases...

While cats are known for their curiosity, dogs are no less interested in exploring their environment. Unfortunately, this can involve ingesting substances which can cause them considerable harm. While guardians should do all they can to avoid exposure to pesticides such as rat poison, it is possible they...

In the wild, a dog needs to maintain their own nails. They do so through various methods such as scratching on hard surfaces. When they have a bacterial infection in their claws, it can be difficult for them to treat and can become very serious. This is because the infection can abscess or even poison...

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most frequent chronic diseases diagnosed in small animal veterinary clinics. For some dog guardians, it is surprising since dogs do not generally eat a lot of sugar in their diet, but this is due to a mischaracterization of the disease. Despite such prevalence, especially in older...

We can find lumps in dogs in any area of the body and with different characteristics. Most lumps and bumps are benign (non-cancerous), but some of them can be malignant (cancerous). The older your dog is, the more likely they are to get malignant lumps. The good news is that early detection and treatment...

The popularity of reptiles as pets has increased exponentially worldwide. Among them, the green iguana stands out as one of the favorites due to its exceptional beauty and elegant appearance. As a result of keeping and breeding in captivity, this beautiful animal has developed a variety of health problems...

Cats are very hygienic animals who will spend a large portion of their day grooming themselves. There are many reasons for this behavior. Maintaining a healthy coat helps to protect them from the elements, prevent parasite infestation and even eases anxiety. Although cats can spend much of their day dedicated...

Consultations related to anorexia in dogs are among the most common reasons for visits to the veterinarian. The fact that a dog stops eating or eats less than usual is a cause of concern for its owners. Most cases of anorexia in dogs are due to an underlying medical condition. We can remedy this by accurately...

There are various types of tumor which can affect dogs. Adenocarcinomas are malignant tumors of epithelial origin that can affect a wide variety of internal organs. They are especially common in older and middle-aged dogs. The symptomatology associated with this type of neoplasm is usually non-specific,...

There are many diseases that can affect the ears of rabbits. Elongated ears are one of the most characteristic organs of rabbits and also a small source of problems. Therefore, it is important to know which are the most common diseases so that we can recognize the symptoms as soon as possible and proceed...

While most caterpillars as harmless creatures which could do no harm to an animal the size of a dog, there are a few important exceptions. The pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) is one of them. Simple contact with one of these spiny caterpillars can require immediate emergency veterinary...

Inhalation of toxic gases and vapors is a relatively common cause of poisoning in dogs. This is because of the prevalence of cleaning products, lubricants and other chemicals we keep at home. Whether the dog has accessed them out of their own curiosity or we have accidentally exposed them to a harsh chemical,...

As our puppies grow up, we need to ensure their development is progressing well. Some signs this is the case can be observed more easily than others. As with any part of their body, a dog's teeth change as they mature from a puppy to adulthood. While it can be a little painful for a dog's deciduous teeth...

You may not be aware that dogs have baby teeth. When your puppy matures, their dentition changes in a similar way to human beings. A dog's baby teeth, also known as milk teeth, primary teeth or deciduous teeth, are smaller and sharper than their adult teeth. They should naturally fall out of their own accord...