Home-made remedies for deworming my dog

See files for Dogs
If your dog frequently goes outside, plays with other animals and also has a garden at home, it will be much more susceptible to a parasite infestation. Most commonly, these involve fleas and ticks.
Deworming is absolutely essential in keeping your pet healthy. If not, it could develop a serious illness, especially in the case of ticks. Products that are generally used to get rid of external parasites are effective, but they are also very harmful, especially if you keep in mind that there are many natural remedies which are very effective.
In this Animal Wised article you will discover various home-made remedies for deworming your dog.
Apple vinegar and water
Apple vinegar is a basic ingredient, but it also has many benefits when you apply it to veterinary health. As a liquid, it is capable of acting as an effective repellent against lice, fleas and ticks. It also it helps increase the dog's natural resistance against viruses and bacteria.
To use it for deworming, you should mix it with equal parts of water and use this mixture to bath your dog. You can use it topically, applying it to the dog's fur using a cotton ball several times a day. Ideally, you should wash the dog and then apply it topically until you no longer see signs of the presence of parasites.

Essential tea tree oil
Given its antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial action, this is one of the best natural remedies for deworming your dog Furthermore, its smell is one of the most effective natural repellents not only against parasites, but also against a number of insects.
It is not toxic, but being a very concentrated oil contact with eyes and mucous membranes should be avoided. To apply it, you can prepare a simple lotion:
- 5 millilitres of essential tea tree oil
- 15 millilitres of distilled water
- 80 millilitres of rubbing alcohol
Mix all the ingredients together and apply the lotion all over your dog's fur. You need to reach its skin, so it is better to apply it against the natural direction of the hair.
It is best to do this outside because fleas will emerge very quickly from animal. To prevent new pest infestations, we recommend adding 20 drops of essential tea tree oil for every 100 millilitres of dog shampoo, and perform washing it with this mixture.

Eucalyptus infusion
The smell of eucalyptus leaves is an effective repellent against fleas and ticks. It also helps eliminate them from appearing if the dog has already been infested.
It is recommended to make the infusion with eucalyptus leaves. Once it has cooled, then bath the dog in it. You can also use this plant?s branches and leaves and put them near where your dog sleeps. This way, the fleas and ticks will disappear more easily and your dog can relax better.

Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil acts as an antiseptic and is useful for preventing and treating external parasitic infestations. It smells much nicer than essential tea tree oil and its effectiveness as a repellent is somewhat lower.
We recommend that lavender essential oil is regularly used as a preventive measure, but it can also supplement the actions of other natural remedies when the parasitic infestation is already present.
Just like essential tea tree oil, contact with the eyes and mucous membranes should be avoided, but it can be applied directly to the skin using a cotton swab.

Take care of your dog naturally
If you are interested in offering your dog treatments which are more respectful of its body, such as home-made remedies for deworming presented in this article, we recommend you read the following posts, as they will make for a very interesting and useful read:
This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.
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