Homeopathy for Dogs with Allergies

See files for Dogs
When we say the word "allergy", the first thing we all think of is Spring with its blooming flowers, pollen in the air and as a result, the itching and hay fever that can come with it. It's a time when we are more active and enjoy long walks in the countryside with our pets.
For some, spring is an unpleasant time as they associate it with rashes, rhinitis (hay fever), coughing and even hair loss, for both humans and pets. But we can begin by understanding what allergies dogs can suffer and what solutions we can give them.
AnimalWised are here to help you understand this pathology, its treatments and preventions. Today we bring you the basics of homeopathy for dogs with allergies.
What is an allergy?
An allergy is a physiological reaction presented by the immune system to the appearance of a harmful substance to the body. But for people who are not so familiar with these terms, let's translate it a little bit. Allergic diseases in people affect up to 20% of the population, with 90% of environmental dust being the main cause. Such hypersensitivity to said dust, mixture of mites, animal hairs, textile wool from blankets or coats, various types of pollen, among thousands of other substances; trigger allergic processes in both people and animals. If an organism exhibits an exaggerated reaction due to susceptibility to some of the so-called "environmental powders" that does not manifest itself in other individuals, it means that there is an imbalance in their vital energy that does not allow them to adapt in harmony with the environment that surrounds them.
Based on everything described above, we'd say that homeopathic treatment is focused on our patient trying to cure susceptible areas. In dogs, the most common allergies occur between the first and third year of life. They are most common by inhalation or atopy, allergic dermatitis by fleas, food allergies to certain foods and acquired by contact.
Allergens are foreign substances that trigger the action of the immune system that will produce an antibody called IgE that will trigger the typical symptoms of allergy. The correctly chosen homeopathic remedy will act on all the symptoms, making the patient refractory to these allergenic agents.

Allergy symptoms in dogs
- Itching (scratching, nibbling, licking or rubbing against objects)
- Superficial wounds
- Redness of the skin or erythema
- Loss of hair in certain areas or in the whole body (canine alopecia)
- Thickening of the skin in chronic with changes of color to black
- Nasal congestion
- Rhinitis (hay fever)
- Cough with or without expectoration
Diagnosis of allergy in dogs
At the time of diagnosis it is always recommended to have the assistance of a respected vet. They will evaluate the total symptoms and take the desired samples depending on the allergy (if on the skin or in the airways.)
We can also consider the breeds with greater genetic predisposition to this type of pathologies such as:
How to eliminate all allergens is almost impossible to know. However, changing the lifestyle of the allergic dog is necessary so they can have a happy ending. See possible treatments below.

Homeopathic treatment for dog allergies
The homeopathic treatment will aim to restore the relationship of our patient with their environment. It will strengthen them, so that in the presence of an allergen they are strong enough not to be affected. For that reason, we always encourage not to self-medicate and consult a specialist who can help us before Spring returns.
The homeopathic vet will find his/her base remedy that would represent the reason why your dog developed the illness. We are facing a "demonstration" of a state that not everybody likes but, even so, the dog must go through (lock-down, loneliness, change of home,etc), exacerbated by the time of the year and the presence of higher reasons to react.
Here is our list of some homeopathic medicines for dogs with allergies. We should have these in our animal kit in case of an emergency. Then we can go to the veterinarian when they are calmer.
- Apis mellifica: for stings and contact eruptions that look rosy and hot.
- Arsenicum album: for digestive disorders due to bad food.
- Silicea: helps to expel foreign bodies like thorns or splinters.
- Ledum: for sharp wounds such as bites or insect bites that are cold to touch.
- Drosera: for strong and deep coughs.
This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.
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