Other health problems

My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: August 27, 2024
My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk

See files for Dogs

If your dog is shaking and can't walk, it means they are experiencing tremors and mobility problems at the same time. There are many underlying causes of tremors which can result in a dog shaking, but this does not necessarily mean they cannot walk. Establishing a diagnosis requires going to a veterinarian who will consider the context of these symptoms. Tremors which cause a dog to shake can be localized to a specific area of the body or generalized throughout the entire body. The age, health status and other factors will also help the vet to know why a dog is trembling and unable to walk.

At AnimalWised, we look at the reasons why my dog is shaking and can't walk. In addition to looking at the causes of these symptoms, we find out the treatment options available.

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  1. Why is my dog shaking?
  2. Reasons why a dog is shaking and can't walk
  3. My older dog is shaking and can't walk
  4. What to do if your dog is tembling and can't walk

Why is my dog shaking?

Dogs can experience various types of tremors which cause their body to shake. Not all of them are something to cause concern in a guardian. For example, a dog shivering due to a sudden draft of cold air is not the same as prolonged shaking. Tremors are involuntary and pathological movements that occur throughout the body or in one specific localized area.

A dog usually experiences trembling and an inability to walk when muscle weakness occurs. It is this weakness which causes a lack of co-ordination and means the dog can't walk properly or not at all. When the dog cannot walk at all, it means they are suffering from paralysis. Both incoordination and paralysis can be either temporary or permanent, depending on the cause.

Trembling in dogs can be grouped into two important categories:

  • Generalized tremors: occurs when the whole body is trembling. It is often due to a systemic problem such as a pathology or a neurological issue.

  • Localized tremors: occurs when only a part of the body is trembling. If the tremors are affecting the limbs, it is possible they impair the dog's ability to walk.

We need to look at the context of these shaking symptoms. In addition to not being able to walk, it is possible the dog is shaking and acting weird, being lethargic, hiding or carrying out various odd behaviors. When a dog is hiding and acting strange, it can be a very serious sign. This is because dogs in advanced stages of disease often hide out of fear or to rest somewhere when they are very weak.

Reasons why a dog is shaking and can't walk

As stated above, there are various reasons for shaking in dogs. While they will mostly be due to physiological issues, psychological or emotional trauma can result in trembling. The latter doesn't usually prevent the dog from walking, so paralysis and incoordination is usually due to a physical issue.

The reasons why your dog is shaking and can't walk include:

  • Encephalitis or brain inflammation: this brain involvement can originate from several sources, although the most well known is likely canine distemper. This is a highly contagious viral infection which results in a dog convulsing, walking in an uncoordinated way, suffering from behavioral changes (increase in aggressiveness) and fever. If not treated quickly, a dog suffering from this disease can end up in a comatose state. Dogs that do recover from this disease may be left with permanent neurological sequelae and may suffer from epilepsy in dogs. In some cases it can be fatal.
  • Poisoning: there are many toxins that can poison your dog. They include natural toxic material such as those found in plants toxic to dogs, as well manufactured chemicals and compounds found in products such as cleaning materials. They result in various symptoms, including tremors, difficulty moving and become lethargic. The clinical picture will depend on the ingested substance. Some of the symptoms that can occur include vomiting, weakness, spasms, convulsions, uncoordinated gait, nervousness, hypersalivation, agitated breathing, diarrhea, abdominal pain, paralysis or coma. The prognosis will depend on the toxin, health of the dog, and the amount ingested, as well as other factors.
  • Congenital disorders: many puppies are born with physical and mental abnormalities due to their genetic inheritance. They can affect the fetus during gestation and cause various disorders which have a wide range of symptoms. When they affect neurological development, they can often result in trembling and an affected walk. This is seen with wobbler syndrome in dogs where the dog often can't even stand up properly.
My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk - Reasons why a dog is shaking and can't walk
  • Metabolic diseases: dogs may have issues with the hormones they produce. Since these hormones are used in transmitting information and commands throughout the body, they can result in trembling and an inability to walk properly since the signals are confused. This can be due to either overproduction or underproduction of hormones. Metabolic diseases in dogs include Addison's disease, Cushing's disease, hyperthyroidism and diabetes in dogs.

  • Epilepsy: one of the most common nervous system disorders in dogs that results in trembling is epilepsy. Rather than a disease in itself, it is a range of disorders which result in a dog having seizures. These cause various parts of the dog to tremble and they often can't walk during an episode. These seizures are temporary, but they can return with greater frequency depending on the cause.

  • Trauma: a dog can suffer various types of trauma. These can include road collisions, falls from heigh, attacks from other animals and many more. If the dog's brain has been damaged, it can result in generalized tremors and the whole body is trembling. If the trauma affects their extremities or other body parts, it can result in spinal damage, broken bones or other issues which mean the dog can't walk and shakes.

  • Cold: if you see a dog shivering and the ambient temperature is very low, their trembling is likely due to cold. If the dog isn't walking, they may be developing hypothermia and their body is shutting down. Learn about what to do in these situations with our article on hypothermia in dogs.

  • Fear: there are also psychological issues which can cause your dog to shake. If we discover a dog shivering alone, it is possible they have been abandoned and/or abused. In these cases, the dog trembles and doesn't walk because they are paralyzed with fear. There are also other circumstances where a dog will shake with fear, but dogs with poor socialization and which have experienced trauma are particularly prone.

If your dog trembles and falls, it is most likely due to one of the above problems. It is essential you go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. A vet will be able to determine the cause of the problem and treat it accordingly. In many cases, an early diagnosis means the difference between life and death.

My older dog is shaking and can't walk

As you can see, the causes as to why a dog is trembling and can't walk can affect a dog of any age. However, there are mitigating factors in the development of these symptoms. Generally speaking, trembling occurs more often in older dogs. This is due to the deterioration of a dog's body over time, but may also be related to specific experiences and traumas.

Although trembling in dogs can occur on any part of the body, they are particularly associated with the hind legs. This is because degeneration or trauma can affect various parts of the spine, but the sections furthest away from the skull have more opportunity to be affected. This localization hinders mobility and will explain why your dog is trembling, falling and cannot hold themselves up normally.

The degeneration of a dog's body due to age not only affects their musculoskeletal system. It can also affect neurological function, resulting in systemic problems. Physical degeneration of bones and joints can affect gait and posture, but neurological degeneration can affect many number of bodily systems.

An example of this is cognitive dysfunction syndrome in dogs, a syndrome similar to Alzheimer's disease in humans. This syndrome can affect dogs over 10 years old and includes the deterioration of their mental faculties. Dogs that suffer from this may present:

  • Disorientation
  • Confusion
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Sleeping a lot during the day and not much at night
  • Lethargy
  • Walking in circles
  • Tremors
  • Stiffness or weakness
  • Uncontrollable sphincter

We suggest visiting a veterinarian who can arrive at a diagnosis and treat the animal accordingly.

It is important to remember that with age there are many dogs that suffer from osteoarthritis. This is disorder caused by joint inflammation which results in trembling and lack of walking. The exhausted muscle will naturally tremble as it fights the urge to move.

There are different types of arthritis in dogs. They are not usually curable, but there are medications that can relieve pain and manage other symptoms. It is also advisable that a dog with this disease exercises moderately, maintains a controlled diet and is offered an adequate, comfortable and warm resting place.

Lastly, a dog can also tremble and not want to move due to trauma caused by a blow or accident. As with the previous cases, it is pain that prevents the animal from making any movement, so it is very important to try and locate the damaged limb or body part and visit a veterinarian.

My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk - My older dog is shaking and can't walk

What to do if your dog is tembling and can't walk

Since the causes that justify these tremors and moving difficulty are varied, the best thing is to go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. In addition, it is advisable to try and examine your animal to check if these tremors are general or localized and, in case of repeated occurrence, to check for any existence of a wound, inflammation or any anomaly that you could discuss with a specialist.

Prevention is not always possible, but it is important to ensure their individual needs are met. For example, if a senior dog is trembling and suffering from mobility issues, we need to asses their needs. We will need to ensure their diet is suitable for their age range, we need to change their walking schedule and we may even want to consider treatments such as physical therapy for older dogs.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category.

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Hello everyone my mixed breed. (CaneCorso,pitbull) started limping on front right leg when weather started to change to 40 degrees nights the next day couldn't get up and hasn't pooped in two days along with not getting up on his own I cary him out side up and down steps will limp a couple feet to pee but no poop I feed him chicken and rice and beef and rice and while laying down he trembles he is about 9 1/2 and a rescue when he was about 2
my 2 months puppy was been treambling and couldn't walk but preher to drink more water, and now he's gone:(
Our 5 year old yorkie, just today all of a sudden she was trying to walk and could control behind legs, then she started to shack her whole body uncontrolably. sha was fully awake, her eyes where dileted. after 4 minutes it stopped a bit and then she vomited. she was get to her normal self, but after 5 minutes she started again. we took her to the vet then just recomended to see a specialist nuro.. now it just a wait and see . we live here in south america and the cost here is pretty high for everthing.
Esther Baca
thank you, the article was very informative, going make an appt for my dog to see the vet.
My 13 yr shisu female all of sudden is having trouble walking, seems issues with right hip an is very lethargic a seem to be trembleing.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Marilyn,

13 years of age means your dog is definitely considered a senior dog. The years will naturally wear down joints, affect gait and generally your dog will experience certain levels of degeneration. Take them to a veterinarian in case there is something specific and also ask about what care measures to take. They may benefit from a dietary change as well as changes to their exercise routines.
I’m worried as every time we say anything a little bit loud or say my sons name our dog goes out the room and then when we find her she’s shaking/trembling. What should I do
My 5-year-old poodle suddenly started shaking hard and could not stand or walk. Within 20 seconds he attempted to walk, but one side of his body couldn't. In the following 10 seconds, he regained all control. He never got upset or cried. What is this?
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Ray,

We cannot give you an answer. While the article provides possible reasons why your dog may be trembling, only a qualified veterinarian will have the diagnostic abilities to determine the problem. Please visit one so a diagnosis can be confirmed and treatment can begin if necessary.
judy long
our dogs is having terrible shaking and dry unstable. She shaking profusely and we can't calm her down. really hassling. Have her in bath tub. she is not trembling her body and legs just go to shaking. She had been outside running squrriels and riding golf cart. she came in and laid down and starting this.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Judy,

You need to take your dog to a vet. There are many reasons why your dog may be trembling, some of which are life threatening. They could have been poisoned, stung, be in an accident or even contracted an infectious disease. You won't know until you have an accurate diagnosis and that means going to the vet. The sooner they are treated, the better the prognosis.
Emma just one day decided that she just wants to stay on her bed. At first there were trembles they are gone now. She will get up when she has to to go outside to do her duties, I watch her and she seems fine. then she runs back to her bed and lies down. She does not want to get in the car or go anywhere which is not like her. She seems very insecure. I took her to the vet we took ex rays, not much came of this. Maybe a little arthritis. She is six years old a large dog. But she was at the park with me and suddenly she was walking fast to the car so she could get in her dog bed. When she got home she got out of the car and went right to her dog bed in the house and does not want to leave it.
Puppy is 9 months old she ate yesterday but next day would not eat and is shaking and can t move back legs will drink water but can't move nine legs eyes look good no wounds found on body no ticks or fleas on her want eat food today just drinking water can't stand up on hind legs
Can I ask you a question? Does she sometimes wake up from a heavy sleep and start shaking really bad? My dog is doing the same thing as yours. If you got answers I would love to hear your input on this.
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My Dog Is Shaking and Can't Walk