The Best Pet Pig Names

Have you decided to expand your family with a pet with a piglet? As long as their needs are well-covered, pigs can make outstanding pets. They are also some of the most characterful animals. If you have made the decision to adopt a pet pig, whether a pot-bellied pig, minipig or similar breed, giving them the right name can be tricky. Maybe you want something cute? Something funny? A famous pig's name?
At AnimalWised, we bring you our extensive list of the best pet pig names. We have over 300 male and female names for pigs for you to choose from, so keep looking if you are looking for something fun and original. Don't forget to comment with your own pig names at the bottom.
Keeping pigs as pets
Pigs are very intelligent animals which need specific care, affection and education. Not all animals will make good pets, but the pig's history of interaction with humans means they have been growing in popularity as companion animals. With positive reinforcement and tenacity, they can even learn how to walk on a leash and respond to certain commands.
However, before adopting a pig as a pet, it is important to learn about the various types of pigs which can be kept as a pet. Pot-bellied pigs are among the most common, but irresponsible breeding has led to some trying to create breeds which do not promote the health of the animal. For example, so-called ‘teacup pigs’ are a result of breeding which can lead to serious health risks. A responsible breeder will not trade these animals.
Minipigs are a type of legitimate breed, but the name is a little misleading. While smaller than other pig breeds, they can grow to a relatively large size. Some buyers are tricked into thinking the pig will remain small, when actually they become so big that owners struggle to care for them. This can lead to abandonment. Some common breeds of domestic pig include:
- Vietnamese pot-bellied pig
- Göttingen minipig
- Kunekune pig
- Juliana pig
- Tamworth pig
- Berkshire pig
If you are looking for pet pig names because you are considering adoption, you will need to do your research before taking the leap.
Male pet pig names
If you have decided you meet the requirements for adopting a pet pig or have one already, you may be at the stage of choosing a pet pig name. Our male pig names have some choices for fun, cute, baby or any good names you might want to consider:
- Al Porcino
- Altos
- Arthur
- Babe
- Badger
- Bald
- Ball
- Balloon
- Bamboo
- Bart
- Bay
- Beast
- Benny
- Berto
- Bob
- Boo
- Boris
- Boss
- Boy
- Bramble
- Brando
- Bro
- Bullet
- Buttons
- Camillionaire
- Candy
- Cerdito
- Cerdo
- Chacho
- Charles
- Charley
- Chip
- Chubby
- Chucky
- Cinnamon
- Clinton
- Cochi
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Coke
- Conan
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Crease
- Dandy
- Don
- Drach
- Drago
- Dylan
- Eddie
- Ether
- Excalibur
- Fax
- Feet
- Fido
- Flappy
- Foc
- Fox
- Fox
- Frodo
- Gabri
- Gabriel
- Gandalf
- Gin
- Gordo
- Gorger
- Grog
- Gulf
- Ham
- Ham
- Han
- Ian
- Iggy Piggy
- Iker
- Ivo
- Jam
- Jazz
- Jim
- Joe
- John
- Joy
- Kane
- Kent
- King
- Kylo
- Law
- Lenny
- Leonard
- Lightning
- Little legs
- Lord
- Lucky
- Luke
- Mace
- Manolo
- Marlon
- Matthew
- Max
- Mud
- Mud
- Nasty
- Nemo
- Nile
- Noah
- Nuke
- Oingo
- Oink
- Otto
- Pan
- Paul
- Peladito
- Peter
- Piggy bank
- Piglet
- Poncho
- Porkie
- Porky
- Puck
- Pumba
- Rabbit
- Rambo
- Ramses
- Ranch
- Rascal
- Rene
- Rex
- Ricky
- River
- Romeo
- Ron
- Roy
- Sauron
- Sheldon
- Taisson
- Tango
- Tass
- Ted
- The Prince
- Thor
- Thunder
- Timmy
- Toby
- Weight
- Wes
- Wilbur
- Winter
- Wolf
- Yeti
- Yin
- York
- Zack
- Zen
Whether adopting a baby pig, known as a piglet, or an adult pig, choosing the right name means one which is short and memorable. Don't go overboard in choosing your pet pig name, otherwise it may be confusing for the animal. This is especially the case when trying to train your pig.

Female pet pig names
If you have adopted a pig, you may also be interested in this list that we have prepared names for female pigs. We have chosen some beautiful, original and funny names, but many are also unisex. Choose whichever sounds right for your pet pig.
- Abbie
- Ada
- Africa
- Aiko
- Alex
- Alexia
- Annie
- Ari
- Ariel
- Ark
- Asia
- Aura
- Ava
- Bell
- Benita
- Betty
- Bimba
- Blushie
- Bones
- Boony
- Brenda
- Calves
- Caramel
- Checkers
- Cherry
- Chiqui
- Cindy
- Cinnamon
- Clea
- Cloud
- Coral
- Crete
- Cris
- Cuba
- Cute
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Fiona
- Flower
- Fluffly
- Frazzle
- Frida
- Funny
- Gaia
- Gala
- Ginger
- Gordi
- Gordita
- Grape
- Gretel
- Guinea
- Heidi
- Hera
- Hope
- Hydra
- Ilma
- Imori
- India
- Indra
- Iris
- Isa
- Italy
- Jana
- Jani
- Janis
- Java
- Josie
- Juliet
- Juno
- Jynx
- Karen
- Kenya
- Kiara
- Kira
- Kiss
- Lady
- Lara
- Lea
- Lemon
- Leonora
- Lia
- Light
- Lilly
- Lilly
- Lisa
- Liz
- Lola
- Love
- Lulu
- Lupita
- Lynx
- Mafalda
- Maple
- Maria
- Mary
- Maya
- Meg
- Mine
- Mini
- Missy
- Misty
- Mollie
- Molly
- Moon
- Mulan
- Muse
- Nala
- Nana
- Nora
- Nugget
- Nutella
- Oats
- Olivia
- Oona
- Pancetta
- Paprika
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Pellet
- Pepa
- Pepi
- Piggy
- Pink
- Pinky
- Pious
- Pookie
- Poppy
- Princess
- Prunes
- Queen
- Rascal
- Rea
- Reboot
- Rome
- Rosa
- Rosalia
- Rosie
- Rosita
- Ruby
- Rune
- Sandy
- Sasha
- Sasha
- Sea
- Secreto
- Smurf
- Sofia
- Soul
- Spark
- Spot
- Star
- Strawberry
- Sue
- Susy
- Sweet
- Tide
- Tiny
- Twinkie
- Uma
- Valerie
- Violet
- Waddles
- Wiggles
- Wilma
- Zoe
If you are looking for some more ideas of choosing names for pigs, you can also check out some of our articles on name other pets. For example, although they are not explicitly for pet pigs, our articles on Disney names for dogs or German names for cats might help you to choose.

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