What you need to know

What Is a Dog Repellent?

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Veterinary assistant and groomer. September 1, 2024
What Is a Dog Repellent?

See files for Dogs

When we think of repellents for dogs, many of us might first think of the flea and tick repellents we use to keep parasites away from dogs. However, some of us may have a need to keep a dog off our property. In these cases, there are devices which can be used to help deter dogs. Reasons why you need to keep dogs off your property include defecating in the yard, destruction of gardens, general disturbance or even threatening behavior on the part of the dog. The types of dog repellents we can find on the market vary in effectiveness and safety for the animal.

AnimalWised explores these issues by asking what is a dog repellent? We look at how different dog repellents work, their effectiveness and whether they are safe to use.

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  1. What is a dog repellent?
  2. How do dog repellents work?
  3. Are dog repellents safe?
  4. Are dog repellents legal?
  5. Recommendations to repel dogs safely

What is a dog repellent?

Dog repellents are devices which are used to deter canines from certain areas. Most of these are used to deter or repel dogs from properties. If we live in a neighborhood where certain dogs are allowed to run off-leash, they may be able to enter our property. While this is a sign of irresponsible dog ownership, it is also possible that feral or stray dogs are roaming in our area. Dog repellents act to deter the dog from entering.

We may also want to use a dog repellent for personal protection. In some cases, we may have had incidents where dogs have been aggressive toward or even attacked people. Some of us may have had particularly traumatic experiences and want some sort of self-protection. The type of dog repellent we use will depend on our needs and other factors. This is why we look at how dog repellents work in detail below.

How do dog repellents work?

The different types of dog repellents all work by providing an unpleasant experience for the dog. In this way, the dog will want to vacate the area. However, these experiences differ.

Ultrasound dog repellents

Ultrasonic devices can be installed in the home to prevent dogs from approaching and marking territory with urine. There are also personal protection ultrasonic dog repellent devices which are designed to be carried on your person. The latter can be used while walking, cycling, hiking or going anywhere there may be dogs present.

While they work using the same basic technology, these devices function in different ways. The technology they share is a mechanism which generates ultrasonic sound frequencies. Dogs have very acute hearing and can perceive aural frequencies which humans cannot. In this way, we may hear very little, but the noise is intense for the dog. This intensity causes them to flee from what they perceive as potential danger.

The devices which can be places at home emit a constant sound which deters dogs from entering the property. These will need to used with the mains electricity since they are essentially in constant use. Handheld personal ultrasonic devices have a button which we can use to activate the ultrasonic emitter. These use batteries to power them, with some being rechargeable and others requiring new batteries inserted when they run out.

Generally speaking, they do not cause significant harm to the dog. While the noise will be upsetting in the moment, they should not sustain any long-term damage to their hearing.

It is important to note that these devices will not work the same on every dog. Specifically, they may be ineffective on dogs trained to protect land or animals. It will also not work on dogs that have lost their hearing or are deaf. Home ultrasonic dog repellents will not work well if they are inside with doors and windows closed or if it is installed too far away from where the dog may enter.

Discover how to communicate with deaf dogs in our guide to training dogs with hearing issues.

Defense spray dog repellent

Another method of dog deterrent is a defensive spray. These are devices which contain compounds that act as irritants to the dog. They act similar to pepper sprays which may be used for self-defense. Logically, these are a more aggressive from of dog repellent. For this reason, they can only be used as a last resort when an attack by an aggressive dog is imminent.

Their directions for use will be indicated by the manufacturer, but they generally work with a point and spray action. In these cases, the dog will receive the spray and become very uncomfortable. They will be disorientated and frightened, usually running away from the scene. The irritation can cause sneezing, eye discomfort, nasal discharge and other symptoms. They should only last for around 15-20 minutes, although this will depend on the composition of the spray.

What Is a Dog Repellent? - How do dog repellents work?

Are dog repellents safe?

As we have explained, dog repellents work in different ways. Their effect on the animal and their method of deterrent will differ accordingly. Ultrasonic devices are considered less harmful than sprays, which are much more aggressive. In general, these methods affect the dog in the following ways:

  • Ultrasonic dog repellents: hearing discomfort, restlessness and physical discomfort.
  • Spray dog repellents: irritation, sneezing, runny nose, fear and confusion.

Although ultrasonic devices are considered safer overall, the type we can install in the home are not recommended. This is because they constantly emit ultrasonic frequencies. These are not good for other wildlife in the area which are able to detect these frequencies.

For example, some birds, bats and other animals are able to pick up on ultrasonic frequencies and use them for navigation. By constantly emitting strong ultrasonic frequencies, they can be disrupted which can cause distress or disorientation. Other domestic animals such as cats can also become distressed. The personal-use ultrasonic devices are much safer and are only in use for very short periods, so they will not have the same effect.

The safety of spray dog repellents depends on the chemicals they use and whether they are deployed appropriately. If the spray has very strong or toxic chemicals, these may damage soft tissues of the dog such as their eyes. Using them for prolonged periods can also cause more harm and the irritation can be damaging.

Are dog repellents legal?

The legality of devices such as ultrasonic dog repellents and dog sprays will depend on the country and region. However, generally speaking, they are usually legal. They are not banned federally in the USA, although it is possible there may be some local legislation which prevents their use.

There are legal questions over how these dog repellents are used. For example, a spay can be used for self-defense. However, if the spray is used inappropriately against a dog which is not attacking or which is otherwise minding their business, this can be seen as animal cruelty. There are laws against animal cruelty which could be used to prosecute in such cases.

Learn about the psychology of animal cruelty with our related guide.

What Is a Dog Repellent? - Are dog repellents legal?

Recommendations to repel dogs safely

As we have stated, there are some safety issues with both ultrasonic and spray dog repellents. While we have right to protect our property and ourselves, this should not come at the expense of the dog's health and well-being. For this reason, there are some alternatives which may be used to repel dogs:

  • Commercial dog repellents: these are products designed to make it unpleasant for dogs to approach areas where they are present. Before using them, it is advisable to clean the area well to remove any urine smell that can attract dogs.
  • Natural smells that dogs may find unpleasant: examples include citrus, pepper or vinegar. While these smells may be unpleasant for dogs, their effectiveness is limited when used to deter animals from property.
  • Physical barriers: closing the perimeter of the home is one of the most effective ways to prevent dogs entering our property. We can use a wall, a fence, mesh, bushes or others, depending on the circumstances.
  • Sprinkler systems: a mechanism that shoots water when it detects movement can also work to get a dog to go away while not causing them any harm.

These repellents are useful for the home, but not for self-defense against a dog attack. If we experience aggression from a dog, it is vital that we remain still, calm and upright. Try to put some object between yourself and the dog. We can distract the dog by throwing another object or food for them to chase.

You should never look the dog in the eyes, shout, run away or separate their limbs from their body. You can try giving them commands, such as sit or stay to see if they recognize them and obey. If the dog does not back away, call for help.

Better understand why a dog might attack with our article on the 12 types of dog aggression.

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What Is a Dog Repellent?