Facts about the animal kingdom
1.083 articles

Crickets are fascinating creatures that chirp their way through fields and forests around the world. Beyond their romantic evening melodies, these insects are essential to the functioning of ecosystems. They are a vital source of food for many different animals as well as decomposers, aiding in the breakdown...

Toads can be surprising visitors in our gardens. While they gobble up pesky insects, some might find their presence unwelcome near patios, pools, or vegetable patches. The good news? There are humane and effective ways to encourage toads to explore elsewhere.
This AnimalWised guide will explore various...

Known for their astonishing speed, the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is an able hunter and an apex predator in their habitat. They have no natural predators of their own when adults, although they may face competition when it comes to hunting prey. While speed is their advantage, so too is stealth, hunting...

The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a unique amphibian native to Mexico. Unlike most salamanders, axolotls retain their larval features throughout their lives, sporting feathery external gills and a perpetually youthful appearance. This fascinating characteristic, known as neoteny, makes them a subject of...

The difference between a grasshopper and a cricket can be difficult to determine. While the reasons are largely due to their close similarities in appearance and behavior, it is exacerbated by the fact there are some cricket species are known commonly or colloquially as grasshoppers. Both types of insect...

A casual glance at a crab on the beach might leave you scratching your head. Their hard shells, sideways shuffle, and grasping claws set them apart from most creatures we encounter. So, what kind of animal are they, truly? Moreover, how can creatures with such seemingly cumbersome forms thrive in environments...

Crickets are a type of insect within the order Orthoptera, a taxonomic group which also contains locusts, grasshoppers and wetas. Entomologists have differed over the classifications of these insects of the years. While it may be subject to change, crickets are currently grouped in the superfamily known...

Mysterious giants roaming the icy plains, polar bears, the world's largest land predators, reign supreme in the Arctic. Sadly, these impressive animals face an unsure future because of climate change. Understanding their fascinating lives and special abilities is vital, not only to protect them, but also...

The average lifespan of a grasshopper will depend on species, with some only living a few weeks and others up to 6 months. For the individual grasshopper, factors such as food availability and climate will influence their longevity. Grasshoppers are insects the order Orthoptera, specifically of the suborder...

Sporting unique anatomies and remarkable behaviors, crabs have conquered diverse environments from salty seas to freshwater lakes. This thriving group of crustaceans boasts an array of fascinating features, with their versatile legs playing a starring role. From powering movement and capturing prey to adapting...

The wild distribution of the jaguar (Panthera onca) was once much larger than it is today. Unfortunately, population decline has occurred over the years. While this has been influenced by natural factors, human interference in jaguar habitats has resulted in a significant impact to the numbers of these...

Whether it is to jump, role, play or even sleep, dogs love being on our bed. Since our bed is often the most comfortable place in the home, it makes sense that our dog might enjoy being there too. While comfort is an important reason why dogs love sleeping on our bed, it is only one reason dogs love...

Often mistaken for one another due to their small size and nocturnal habits, possums and weasels represent distinct branches within the mammalian family tree. Possums are marsupials, while weasels are placental mammals. This fundamental difference reflects distinct reproductive strategies and evolutionary...

Ferrets and weasels, often mistaken for one another, are both members of the Mustelidae family known for their playful demeanor and curious nature. While they share some physical similarities, they are distinct species with different behaviors, habitats, and needs. Understanding these key differences...

From expansive fields to lively meadows, grasshoppers play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate equilibrium of nature. They are renowned for their ability to defy gravity with remarkable jumps. However, have you ever pondered how grasshoppers manage to execute such leaps? The answer lies not only...

Beetles reign supreme as the most diverse insect group on Earth, boasting over 350,000 identified species and likely millions more that remain undiscovered. It is no surprise that adaptability allows them to thrive in nearly every terrestrial habitat, from tropical rainforests to scorching deserts, frigid...

If you know any types of mustelids, you are most likely aware of weasels and ferrets. Although these are two of the most emblematic mustelid species, the family Mustelidae is a much more diverse group of carnivorous mammals. While there are many differences between different types of mustelids, there...

Whether a beetle can bite a human depends on the type of beetle. Since the order of beetles (Coleoptera) makes up around 40% of all insect species, this can seem difficult to determine. There are some generalizations we can make. Beetles have mouth parts which include mandibles used to break down various material....

Bees are flying insects belonging to the Apoidea superfamily. They are closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their remarkable roles in pollination and, in the case of the widely recognized honeybee, honey production. But delve deeper, and you'll discover their legs. These aren't just walking...

Beetle are insects and have six legs, as do all invertebrates in the class Insecta. Within this class can be found the order Coleoptera, commonly known as beetles. They are the largest order of all insects, being distinguished by a hard wing casing known as an elytron. Various types of beetles are known to...

We can use a beetle's anatomy to distinguish them from other insects. Of the order Coleoptera, there are approximately 400,000 recognized beetle species, with more yet to be discovered. Since they are insects, there are certain anatomical similarities which are shared by all of these invertebrates. An example...

Silkworms belong to the order Lepidoptera, but it is important to know they are not actually worms. They are moths, but are most well known to us when they are in the larval stage. This is the stage during which they secrete proteins which harden into a filament that can be woven to form their pupae....

The silkworm moth (Bombyx mori) is a biological marvel which is integral to the world of sericulture, also known as silk making. The name can be a little confusing since it is not actually a worm, but an insect with a larval stage that resembles a worm. They are of the order Lepidoptera, the order that...

While we can discuss the different types of coyote, it is important to know there is only one known species of coyote. This is Canis latrans, a type of wild canine that is closely related to certain wolf species. The coyote native range is North America, including the US, Canada and parts of Mexico. With...

Otters do not have a pouch like kangaroos or other marsupials. If you think that you have seen a pouch on an otter because they carry objects in what looks like a pocket, there is another explanation. This is thanks to both their morphology and their intelligence, being considered some of the best users...

Geese, members of the Anatidae family and closely related to ducks and swans, are large, flighted waterfowl known for their graceful silhouettes, distinctive honking calls, and often-gregarious behavior. Found worldwide in a variety of habitats, including wetlands, grasslands, and urban areas, geese have...

Cockroaches are often seen at night, scurrying away once we turn on a light. This doesn't mean we don't see them during the day, but cockroaches are mainly nocturnal animals. Belonging to the order Blattodea, the ancestors of these insects date back approximately 300 million years. Although they are mainly...

Otters are not generally dangerous or aggressive towards humans, but this can depend on the individual otter. They are wild animals that have not been domesticated. This is unlike dogs and cats which have millennia of domesticated between them. While there may be some tame otters, it is important that...

Flamingos are famous for standing on one leg. They carry out many of their natural behaviors in this unipedal stance, including eating with their head upside down. They can have amazing balance. We might feel comfortable standing on one leg for a short amount of time, but few of us have ever managed...

While sea spiders may look like spiders that live in the sea, nature doesn't like to make things that simple. While they are arthropods that are related to arachnids like the spider, they are part of a subphylum known as chelicerates. Chelicerates include arachnids and horseshoe crabs, as well as the...

Towering over the African landscape, giraffes are not just the tallest land mammals on Earth, they are also captivating creatures with a rich history and complex social lives. Understanding the unique characteristics and threats faced by each subspecies is essential for effective conservation efforts.

Hippos have undoubtedly secured their place as iconic African wildlife. Understanding the distinct types of hippos not only enriches our appreciation for biodiversity but also proves crucial for their effective conservation. By examining the unique adaptations, dietary preferences, and conservation challenges...

Flamingos in the wild live on every continent except Antarctica. This does not mean they can live in any environment since the natural habitat of flamingos needs to be in temperate and warm climates. Water is also a very important factor in determining where a flamingo can live since they gain their sustenance...

Rabbits are known for their incredible reproductive ability. The vast number of offspring is partly due to their high fertility levels, with female rabbits able to get pregnant a mere 24 hours after giving birth. With male and female rabbits living together in such close community in the wild, the number...

Sleeping geese are not always a common sight in the wild. They are more noticeable when they are flying or padding around the side of a pond. This does not mean geese do not sleep. Belonging to the Anatidae family, geese are waterfowl that have long necks and webbed feet. While there are various different...

Cats are known for their cleanliness, exhibiting meticulous grooming habits in their surroundings. If your cat has taken to grooming itself on you, you may wonder about the reasons behind this behavior. While it may seem unusual, this behavior aligns with typical feline actions like rubbing against...

If you are a rabbit owner, understanding their behavior is crucial. These charming creatures have certain natural habits, from munching on hay to exploring. However, sometimes, you may notice quirky chewing habits, like nibbling on nothing. It's a subtle hint that something might be up, whether it's a...

From the parched sands of the desert to the lush canopies of tropical rainforests, lizards have mastered the art of survival, adapting to a wide range of environments. This taxonomic diversity extends to their reproductive strategies, with lizards showcasing a remarkable array of adaptations that enable...

Rabbits, with their soft fur, expressive ears, and playful hops, are undeniably charming creatures. But beneath their adorable exterior lies a complex world of behavior, driven by instinct and sensory perception. Their noses aren't just cute accessories, they are powerful organs, packed with olfactory...

Flamingos, with their vibrant plumage and graceful elegance, are a familiar sight in many corners of the world. But beyond their captivating appearance lies a curious habit: standing on one leg. While it might seem like a quirky pose, this behavior has piqued the interest of scientists and birdwatchers...

Among the many misconceptions surrounding bats, one of the most persistent is the idea that they are blind. This widespread belief stems from their nocturnal habits and their remarkable ability to navigate and hunt using echolocation. However, the truth is that bats are far from sightless; in fact, their...

For more than 200 million years, turtles, these ancient reptiles, have graced the Earth.While their behavior has been extensively studied, one aspect that remains intriguing is their sleep patterns. Unlike mammals, turtles don't exhibit the same clear-cut distinction between wakefulness and sleep. Their...

Dolphins are mammals of the Delphinidae family, which includes more than 90 species of cetacean. One of the common traits of mammals is the presence of hair or fur, something we might not notice when we look at the sleek body of a dolphin. Not all mammals live in the sea, with the vast majority being...

The average life expectancy of rats can be up to three years of age, but this will depend on various factors. One of the most important is whether they are wild or pet rats. This is because the lifestyle of these different rat types has a great bearing on their health and well-being. Rats of the genus Rattus...

The slinky dog from Toy Story is appropriately named Slinky, although he is often referred to by different nicknames. He is one of the most memorable characters, especially because he is based on a much loved classic children's toy also known as the Slinky Dog. The genius of Disney's Toy Story is that...

Amphibians, a diverse group of vertebrates, represent a fascinating transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. These remarkable creatures, classified within the class Amphibia, have adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments, undergoing a metamorphosis from gill-breathing larvae to air-breathing...

The avian world is home to a remarkable diversity of species, each with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in their respective environments. Among these adaptations, speed stands out as a crucial factor for many birds, enabling them to hunt, escape predators, and navigate their surroundings effectively.

Disney's Aladdin, a tale of love, adventure, and the transformative power of dreams, has captivated audiences worldwide with its vibrant characters, enchanting setting, and magical storyline. Among the many beloved characters, Jasmine's tiger stands out for its regal presence and unwavering loyalty. However,...

Effective communication is a cornerstone of survival in the animal kingdom. It fosters cooperation, alerts to impending threats, and maintains the integrity of social structures. From the intricate dances of bees to the haunting calls of whales, the diverse forms of communication showcase the remarkable...

Wolves, scientifically classified as Canis lupus, are apex predators, occupying the top tier of the food chain. Their predatory skills and intricate social structures have a profound impact on not only the populations of their prey, but also the very landscapes they inhabit. Their hunting activities also influence...