
Types of Black Cat Breeds

By Eva López. September 24, 2024
Types of Black Cat Breeds

See files for Cats

Black cats are important icons for various global and historical cultures. They have been an enigma to humans for millennia, their sleek black coats providing much fodder for our collective imagination. To some they are gods to be worshipped, to others they are bad omens who are associated with dark magic. The truth may be a little more mundane. A cat's black coat is a genetic phenomenon that not all breeds of domestic feline can possess. Those that do can be longhair or shorthair cats, the length of their coat also being determined by genetics. The darkness of the black cat's coat often highlights the brightness of their eye color which tends to be gold, copper or green.

At AnimalWised, we explore these 20 types of black cat breeds. We look at longhair and shorthair black cat breeds, provide information on their breed characteristics and share a photo of each black cat to know what they look like.

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  1. Bombay
  2. American Shorthair
  3. Cornish Rex
  4. Oriental Shorthair
  5. Kurilian Bobtail
  6. European Shorthair
  7. Scottish Fold
  8. Sphynx
  9. British Longhair
  10. Maine Coon
  11. Other black cat breeds
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Most black cat breeds can have black as one of various potential coat colors. This is not so with the Bombay. Perhaps the quintessential black cat breed, they have the only breed standard that exclusively accepts a black coat color with short hair. They are a beautiful black cat with copper eyes, a trait which is almost as characteristic as their black fur. You can see the comparison of black and copper in the photo below.

Despite being bred for their black coat, the Bombay cat breed is almost known as being very calm and affectionate. They are sociable cats that adapt well to almost any family. They are an intelligent cat that develops strong bonds with their family. They are not suited to spending many hours alone at home as they tend to develop separation anxiety in these cases.

Learn more about separation anxiety with our article asking why does my cat cry when I leave?

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Bombay

American Shorthair

The remaining of our different types of black cat breeds are not exclusively black. The American Shorthair is a typical example, with tabby being a more common coat color than black. This makes black American Shorthairs all the more remarkable and easy to cherish. However, black is the most common solid color for this breed.

As their name suggests, they are a black cat with short hair. While short, it is also thick and dense, giving them a chubby and endearing presence. Black American Shorthairs can have eyes that are yellow, green or blue, the photo showing a specimen with yellow eyes. In terms of character, they are affectionate, playful and somewhat independent. They also love to be pampered and will accept a lot of affection from their guardians.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - American Shorthair

Cornish Rex

This black cat breed is better known for the texture of their fur rather than the color. This fur is relatively sparse, but also wavy in places. All colors and coat patterns are accepted in this breed, including tabby and tortoiseshell where black can predominate.

The Cornish Rex is active, playful and sociable, although this can lead to a certain tendency to develop separation anxiety. For this reason, it is ideal for families with children or those who tend to spend time at home. A sedentary lifestyle is not compatible with this breed, so it is essential to provide them with good environmental enrichment for cats.

Discover the other cat breeds with curly hair in our related guide.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Cornish Rex

Oriental Shorthair

With a slender build and elongated features, the Oriental Shorthair cat looks even more elegant when its coat is completely black. As the photo suggests, their eyes often take on vibrant hues in keeping with their coat. These are usually black carts with yellow, gold or copper eyes, although they can have other coat colors too.

The Oriental Shorthair is a very communicative cat, who quickly learns to ‘speak’ to their human companions. It is very common for guardians of this cat breed to maintain long conversations with them. They form very strong bonds and do not tolerate solitude very well, but are otherwise a very balanced cat who loves to play.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Oriental Shorthair

Kurilian Bobtail

The Kurilian Bobtail derives their name from their most notable feature, a short, pom-pom-shaped tail. They have a strongly built frame and rounded lines, giving them a stocky and solid appearance. They are a truly adorable little teddy bear. Various patterns and colors are accepted, including solid black.

This cat is extremely curious, intelligent and active. They need to play and exercise to stay balanced. They also have a strong feline hunting instinct, which is why it is recommend we play with games and toys that simulate the hunting of prey.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Kurilian Bobtail

European Shorthair

After the Bombay, the black European Shorthair cat is the most common black cat breed. It is present in almost every country of the world. Its fur is short and fine, being of any color and pattern. Their eyes are usually blue, green or yellow, but they can vary.

The European Shorthair cat is the purebred and pedigree version of the mixed-breed cat. They are the most diverse breed, but all can establish a strong bond with their human family. They are usually more territorial than other breeds, so it is necessary to socialize them as soon as they arrive home. If you adopt them after they have reached maturity, you may want to check out our guide on how to socialize an adult cat.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - European Shorthair

Scottish Fold

Another black cat breed named after a distinctive feature, the Scottish Fold is named after their stubby ears which fold over at the ends. This black cat breed is also known for their robust and round build, as well as a rounded face and expressive eyes which make them very photogenic. Their coat can be any color, including solid black.

The Scottish Fold is a calm, docile and sociable cat that adapts well to any family. They are the perfect companion for both older people and children who are able to learn boundaries.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Scottish Fold


We have already mentioned shorthair black cats which can be very common, but the black Sphynx is relatively rare. They are more commonly seen in lighter tones with patches of darker colors. Completely black Sphynx cats are highly valued aesthetically. Another distinctive physical feature is found in a greater percentage of specimens compared to most other breeds. This is heterochromia, a condition where both eyes are of different colors. These colors are usually green, yellow or blue.

The Sphynx stands out for having a friendly and affectionate character. They love company and enjoy the pampering that his human companions provide him.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Sphynx

British Longhair

All the different types of black cat breeds shared so far have characteristics short hair. As the British Longhair's name suggests, they are a black cat breed with long hair. While not as long as certain other breeds, the British Longhair coat is lush and soft, presenting in various colors and patterns.

The British Longhair is shy, calm and reserved, but once we have gained their confidence, they will be affectionate and playful with their human family. They are very distrustful of strangers, so it is common for the cat to hide when someone they do not know has entered the home.

Check out our article on brushes for longhaired cats to learn more about caring for the American Longhair's coat.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - British Longhair

Maine Coon

The largest cat breed in the world and another longhaired black cat, the Maine Coon is known for its wild appearance. More reminiscent of a wild cat rather than a domestic feline, the Mine Coon has pointed ears which remind us of a lynx. Their long coat can be of any color and pattern, but it is most common to see them with multiple colors. Even solid black Maine Coons often have some shades of other colors in certain lights.

The Maine Coon is independent, but not unsociable. They stand out for its ability to communicate with humans and can even learn tricks in the right circumstances.

Types of Black Cat Breeds - Maine Coon

Other black cat breeds

There are many more different types of breeds of black cats, as many of them accept all colors and patterns in their breed standard. In addition to those mentioned, we find the following that can have a completely black coat:

  • British Shorthair
  • Lykoi
  • Persian
  • Exotic Shorthair
  • Siberian
  • Selkirk Rex
  • Munchkin
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • Manx

To learn both about their physical traits and the myths which surround this color of cat, take a look at our article on interesting facts about black cats.

If you want to read similar articles to Types of Black Cat Breeds, we recommend you visit our Comparisons category.

Types of Black Cat Breeds photos

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Types of Black Cat Breeds