Types of Pomeranian Dog Breeds

Animal file: Pomeranian
When we bring you the different types of Pomeranian dog breeds, it is important to note there is only one officially recognized Pomeranian dog. The different types of Pomeranians are variations of this single breed which are differentiated by certain characteristics, with the face type being of particular importance. There is also a growing trend in crossing certain specific breeds with each other to create a hybrid dog breed. This is a particularly popular trend with the Pomeranian breed.
At AnimalWised, we explain further by sharing 10+ types of Pomeranian dog breeds. In addition to the variations of the single Pom dog breed, we also share some of the most popular mixes with other breeds and provide photos where possible.
Pomeranian Lulu or ‘standard’ Pomeranian
Kennel clubs and other organizations are the governing bodies which determine the standard of each individual dog breed. This standard charts the characteristics in terms of physicality and temperament[1]. Breeders use it to cross dogs which will meet these breed standards. This does not mean dogs which do not meet the breed standard are illegitimate, simply that they are not considered ‘purebred’.
For the Pomeranian dog breed, individual specimens which meet the breed standard are known as standard or Lulu Pomeranian dogs. They are the most commonly recognized variety, although this does not take into account the many unregistered dogs which exist.
The Standard Pomeranian is a toy or miniature dog with a slim build. They are a German Spitz-type dog, a type of breed characterized by a pointed snout, pointed ears, thick fur and other defining traits. They usually weigh 3 to 7 pounds (1.4 to 3.2 kg) with less difference in the sexes than some other breeds, They have a thick fluffy coat which makes them a dog breed which resembles a fox. They can be a wide variety of colors, including black, brown, white, red, different grayish tones and many others.
Despite interest in the Pom growing in recent years, the Pomeranian Lulu is not a new breed. In fact, they are considered and ancient dog breed and one of the oldest extant dogs breeds in the world. The modern breed originates from the former Duchy of Pomerania, which was located between Germany and Poland. They were originally much larger and more robust.
Although today the Pomeranian Lulu has become a perfect ‘lap dog’, its ancestors were trained mainly as cattle dogs. They were also used to pull sleds, something the modern Pommy cannot do due to their smaller stature.

Fox-Face Pomeranian
The size and general appearance of the Fox-Face Pomeranian are very similar to the standard Pom. The only significant difference is that this type of Pomeranian is developed from selective crossings whose aim is to enhance the physiognomy which makes them look similar to a fox. You can see some of these physiological features in the photo below.
The ‘fox face’ that identifies this variety of Pomeranian dogs is characterized by a slightly longer and thinner snout, as well as more pointed ears. Orange or slightly reddish tones usually predominate in their coat, which is also related to the purpose of making them more similar to foxes. These same characteristics make the Fox-Face Pomeranian quite similar to the small Finnish Spitz breed.
Some breeders consider it wrong or unnecessary to differentiate between the standard Pomeranian and the Fox-Faced Pomeranian. We simply share these two Pomeranian types as some breeders and dog guardians make a distinction. We reiterate that they are variations of the same breed, not separate Pomeranian breeds.

Bear-Face Pomeranian or Pomeranian Boo
Also known as Pomeranian Boo, this teddy bear-resembling variety was created in the early 2000s in the United States. The development process has focused on 'softening' the most feral traits of the typical vulpine aesthetic, i.e. foxlike. The result has been a little dog one that looks undeniably cute, but also quite artificial. Often giving the dog a ‘teddy cut’ will contribute to making this dog appear more like a teddy bear, as can be seen in the photo below.
The bear-faced type of Pomeranian has an even fluffier coat than the other types of Pomeranian, although shorter. The head, snout and nose are smaller, while the eyes are larger and well rounded. Their face also looks rounder due to the absence of the typical pointed chin and the ears have slightly rounded tips. Their coat can display a wide variety of colors, usually combined with white.
A curiosity is that the name Pomeranian Boo refers to an individual Pomeranian dog named Boo. He became very successful on the social network Facebook, after his guardian decided to create his own profile. Boo grew to have more than 5 million followers on Facebook and used to be known as ‘the cutest dog in the world’ [2] .
Sadly, Boo passed away as a result of heart problems in early 2019. This happened after losing his inseparable companion ‘Buddy’. However, his memory was eternalized in two books published by his guardian under the pseudonym J. H. Read. One of them, titled Boo: The Life of the World's Cutest Dog is still available on Amazon.
If you happen to have any of these types of Pomeranian dogs or are going to adopt one, you may be interested in the following AnimalWised article on male and female names for Pomeranian dogs.

Doll-Face Pomeranian
Also known as the Baby Doll Pomeranian, this is the most recent type of Pomeranian dog breed. Their popularity is increasing by leaps and bounds, mainly in the United States. In aesthetic terms, we could consider them as an intermediate variant between the Pomeranian Lulu (with its typical fox appearance) and the Pomeranian Boo (which more closely resembles a teddy bear).
The head and snout of the Doll-Face Pomeranian is smaller than the standard Pom, but not as small as the Bear-Face. The face is round and extremely delicate, highlighting rounded and very expressive eyes. These physical features are often accentuated with a type of haircut known as a ‘puppy cut’. This is widely used in small or dwarf breeds of dogs, allowing them to maintain the typical appearance of a puppy throughout their life.
Regarding the coat, which is one of the most beautiful characteristics in all types of Pomeranian, the Baby Doll variety exhibits a longer and more abundant coat. In addition, their height at the withers also usually exceeds that of other types of Pomeranian dogs.
Learn more about haircuts for Pomeranians with our article on whether you can cut a Pomeranian's coat at home.

Pomeranian mixes
All domestic dogs can crossbreed to result in a mixed-breed dog, sometimes known as a ‘mutt’ or ‘mongrel’. However, breeders have started to cross specific breeds together to create a new type of dog known as a ‘designer dog breed’. These mixed dogs are not yet fully standardized breeds, but they do conform to certain general traits. Some breeds lend themselves to crosses more than others, including different types of Pomeranian breeds.
Below, we present the most popular types of Pomeranian mixes:
- Pomapoo: originates from crosses between the Pomeranian and the Poodle. It has a very energetic character, great intelligence and a predisposition to training, making it a very easy dog to train and a great companion for more active people. Due to their small size and very friendly and versatile behavior, Pomapoo dogs adapt very well to living in apartments.
- Beagle-Pom or Pomeagle: the mixture of the Pomeranian with the Beagle has resulted in a dog that is small in size, but noticeably more robust. They also have rounded and hanging ears. Regarding temperament, Pomeagles are extremely playful, particularly enjoying the company of children, but they have a tendency to bark excessively. Learn more about what to do when a dog keeps barking.
- Pom-Tzu or Shiranian: born from the cross between the Pomeranian and the Shih Tzu, these little furry mixes are extremely sociable. They love to enjoy the company of their guardians and have a more moderate energy level, so they can be excellent companions for elderly or people with a more sedentary lifestyle. Despite their soft coat being very abundant, is considered a hypoallergenic dog breed, making them friendlier to those who suffer dog allergies.
- Pomchi: it is a hybrid between the Pomeranian and the Chihuahua. They are small in size and thin in build (rarely exceeding 5 kg/11 lb in weight). Its coat is straight, long and fluffy, and can display a wide variety of colors, such as white, black, brown and cream or sand. The influence of the Pomeranian has made it possible to soften the fearless, but often aggressive character of the Chihuahua dog breed. Regardless of breed, the important factors in a balanced dog are socialization, education and training.
- Pomsky: we didn't know that the typical wolf traits of the Siberian Husky could combine so perfectly with the vulpine aesthetics of the Pomeranian until we saw a specimen of the Pomsky dog. These little Husky mixes have a short snout and legs, but they look like a Husky in terms of features (see photo below). The famous coat of the Siberian Husky can appear, but it can also take on colors of the Pommy. The temperament of a Pomsky may change according to genetics, but also to lifestyle factors.
- Maltipom: originates from selective crosses between the Pomeranian and the Maltese dog breeds. The result has been an extremely sociable and affectionate dog, which has a moderate level of energy. They enjoy playing and are usually quite patient with children. Since both parent breeds are among the best small dog breeds for children, this should be no surprise. They are also considered better for allergy sufferers.
- Porkie, Yoranian or Yorkie-Pom: the Yorkshire Terrier is such a globally popular dog breed, breeders have worked to generate numerous new breeds with its influence. The Porkie is one of the most recent, being a hybrid between the Pomeranian and the famous Yorkie. They are cheerful, fun, alert, very loyal to their guardians and an inseparable friend for children. These small Yoranian dogs hardly exceed 15 cm in height and 3 kg in body weight in adulthood.
- Bichonranian: this is one of the lesser-known types of hybrid Pomeranians and is derived from crosses with the Bichon Frise. Due to the aesthetic similarities shared by their parents, the Bichonranian appears quite similar to the Pomapoo, mainly while they are still puppies. Their temperament is also equally energetic, so good physical and mental stimulation is essential for maintaining stable behavior. To differentiate them, we can pay attention to the ears, which are triangular and erect in the Pomapoo, but usually rounded and hanging in the Bichonranian. In addition, the latter usually have larger and rounder eyes, a less pronounced snout and slightly shorter and denser fur.
Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that there are many other types of hybrid Pomeranians with unique physical and behavioral traits. If you would like to have a dog with these characteristics, we encourage you to contact an animal shelter in your region so that you can schedule a visit and learn about the dogs available for adoption. Regardless of the type of Pomeranian dog you decide to adopt, you will need to provide love and proper care to ensure they are happy and healthy dogs.

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1. FCI - International Cynological Federation. Standard No. 97: Deutsche Spitze.
2. Shontell, Alyson. (2012). Meet Boo, 'The World's Cutest Dog'—And The . Secret Facebook Employee Behind Him.