Other health problems

Why Does My Hedgehog Scratch So Much?

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: May 25, 2023
Why Does My Hedgehog Scratch So Much?

A hedgehog may keep scratching due to health problems such as skin disease or parasites. There is also some normal scratching a hedgehog when they go through a process called quilling. This is normal process, but it can be worrying for inexperienced guardians. Since hedgehogs are becoming more popular as pets, it is important to safeguard them from any potential health problems. This includes observing them for symptoms such as repeated scratching.

At AnimalWised, we ask why does my hedgehog scratch so much? We provide information on the causes and treatment of hedgehog scratching, as well as how to prevent health problems in the future.

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  1. Quilling in hedgehogs
  2. Helping a Hedgehog during Quilling
  3. Why a hedgehog scratches so much
  4. What to do if your hedgehog keeps scratching themselves

Quilling in hedgehogs

Quilling is a natural process in hedgehogs that involves the shedding and replacement of their spines. It is an essential part of their development and growth. Here's an explanation of the quilling process, its importance, potential harm and how to help a hedgehog during this period:

The process of hedgehog quilling

Hedgehog quilling typically occurs when the animal is young, usually around 4-6 weeks old. Quilling continues until they are around 4 months of age. Adult hedgehogs can also experience quilling during stressful situations or when experiencing health issues.

The general process of hedgehog quilling will be as follows:

  • 4 weeks of age: hedgehog will change its nesting spines for juvenile ones.
  • 6 weeks of age: the first spine color change will take place.
  • Approx. 2 months of age: will go through a second molt and change from juvenile to adult spines.
  • Between 3 and 6 months of age: we can observe a new spine molt. The new spines will acquire a definitive color and they will be thicker.

During quilling, the hedgehog's old spines fall out, making way for new spines to grow. This process can be uncomfortable and may cause the hedgehog to scratch or exhibit signs of sensitivity.

Quilling can occur gradually, with spines falling out and regrowing at different rates. This can result in a hedgehog having a mix of mature and developing spines. During the process, it is normal for the hedgehog to keep scratching, but it is also imperative that we observe for any signs of problems such as stress or secondary bacterial infections.

Although hedgehog quilling is a natural process and not inherently harmful to the hedgehog, it can cause temporary discomfort sensitivity, or itching for the hedgehog. In addition to increased scratching, they may be more reluctant to be handled during this time. You may even see the hedgehog will bite you if they are feeling particularly vulnerable and threatened.

In rare cases, some hedgehogs may develop skin irritations or secondary infections due to excessive scratching or poor hygiene. If you notice any signs of excessive redness, swelling, or wounds, it's important to consult a veterinarian for appropriate treatment.

Helping a Hedgehog during Quilling

If you want to ensure the hedgehog stays safe during quilling and doesn't scratch themselves too much, there are some things you can do to help. They include the following:

  • Provide a comfortable environment: ensure the hedgehog's habitat is clean, warm, and draft-free. Maintain appropriate humidity levels (40-60%) to prevent dry skin.

  • Offer soothing options: place soft bedding, like fleece or a soft towel, in the hedgehog's enclosure to provide additional comfort.

  • Handle gently: during quilling, hedgehogs may be more sensitive to touch. Minimize handling, but, if necessary, handle them gently and avoid putting pressure on their quilling areas.

  • Monitor for signs of distress: keep an eye on the hedgehog's behavior and overall health. If you notice excessive scratching, persistent discomfort, or any concerning symptoms, consult a veterinarian for advice.

  • Offer distractions: provide enrichment activities, such as toys and hiding places, to keep the hedgehog mentally stimulated and help divert their attention from the discomfort of quilling.

Remember, each hedgehog is unique, and their experience with quilling may vary. If you have any concerns or questions during this period, it's always best to seek guidance from a veterinarian experienced with hedgehogs to ensure your pet's wellbeing.

Learn more about the general care of this animal with our guide to keeping hedgehogs as pets.

Why Does My Hedgehog Scratch So Much? - Helping a Hedgehog during Quilling

Why a hedgehog scratches so much

Different types of hedgehogs can be kept as pets, but all may scratch themselves excessively for various reason. It's important to understand the potential causes, symptoms, treatments, as well as any relevant prevention methods. Here are some common reasons why a hedgehog might scratch themselves a lot:

External Parasites

Causes: hedgehogs can be affected by external parasites such as fleas, ticks or mites.

Symptoms: frequent scratching, visible parasites or eggs on the skin, hair loss, redness and irritation.

Treatment: consult a veterinarian for appropriate antiparasitic treatments or prescribed medications such as spot-on treatments, dips or oral medications. It's crucial to follow the vet's instructions and ensure all parasites are eliminated.

Prevention: Regularly clean and inspect the hedgehog's environment, bedding and toys. Quarantine new hedgehogs before introducing them to others. Avoid contact with potentially infested animals.

Dry Skin or Dermatitis

Causes: dry environment, inadequate humidity, poor diet or allergic reactions to certain bedding materials.

Symptoms: frequent scratching, flaky or dry skin, redness and irritation.

Treatment: ensure proper humidity levels (40-60%) in the hedgehog's habitat. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity. Provide a well-balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids. If bedding is suspected, switch to a hypoallergenic option. A veterinarian might recommend topical moisturizers or medicated shampoos.

Prevention: maintain an appropriate humidity level, provide a nutritious diet and use suitable bedding material.

Fungal or Bacterial Infections

Causes: fungi such as ringworm or bacterial infections may affect hedgehogs.

Symptoms: intense scratching, scaly or crusted skin, hair loss, redness, and lesions.

Treatment: consult a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis and appropriate antifungal or antibacterial treatments. Treatments may include topical creams, oral medications, or medicated baths.

Prevention: maintain a clean and hygienic living environment, ensure proper sanitation and limit exposure to potentially infected animals.


Causes: hedgehogs can develop allergies to certain foods, bedding materials, or environmental factors.

Symptoms: excessive scratching, skin redness, irritation, hives, or respiratory issues.

Treatment: identify and eliminate the allergen from the hedgehog's environment or diet. Consult a veterinarian for guidance. They may recommend antihistamines or other medications to alleviate symptoms.

Prevention: avoid known allergens, provide a varied and well-balanced diet and use hypoallergenic bedding materials.

Stress or Behavioral Issues

Causes: hedgehogs may scratch themselves due to stress, anxiety, or behavioral problems.

Symptoms: excessive scratching, self-inflicted injuries, changes in behavior or eating habits. Prolonged scratching can lead to breaking the skin and wound infection. This can result in secondary bacterial infections.

Treatment: address the underlying cause of stress or anxiety, such as environmental changes, social interaction, or health issues. Enrich the hedgehog's environment with appropriate toys, hiding places, and a consistent routine. Seek advice from a veterinarian or an experienced hedgehog owner.

Prevention: maintain a stable and enriched environment, handle the hedgehog gently and provide appropriate mental stimulation.

Remember, it's essential to consult a veterinarian if your hedgehog is scratching excessively or showing signs of discomfort. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your hedgehog's specific needs.

Why Does My Hedgehog Scratch So Much? -

What to do if your hedgehog keeps scratching themselves

If your hedgehog is scratching themselves excessively, it is important to investigate the underlying cause and take appropriate steps to address the issue. Here's what you can do:

  • Examine for external parasites: thoroughly inspect your hedgehog's skin for any signs of external parasites such as fleas, ticks, or mites. Look for visible parasites, eggs, or irritations. If you suspect parasites, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

  • Maintain a suitable environment: ensure that your hedgehog's living environment is clean, well-maintained, and free from potential irritants. Use appropriate bedding materials and regularly clean their habitat to prevent any buildup of allergens, dust, or bacteria.

  • Monitor humidity levels: hedgehogs require a specific humidity range of 40-60% to maintain healthy skin. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels in their enclosure and make adjustments if necessary. Dry air can lead to dry skin and increased scratching. Learn more about hedgehogs and humidity with our guide to bathing a pet hedgehog.

  • Assess their diet: ensure your hedgehog is receiving a balanced and nutritious diet. Proper nutrition is important for their overall health, including skin health. Consult a veterinarian or a hedgehog specialist to ensure your hedgehog's diet is appropriate and meets their nutritional needs. Discover a hedgehog's correct nutrition with what to feed a pet hedgehog?

  • Seek veterinary advice: if your hedgehog's scratching persists or is accompanied by other symptoms such as hair loss, redness, or skin lesions, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian with experience in treating hedgehogs. They can perform a thorough examination, identify the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment options.

  • Follow veterinary recommendations: if a specific cause is identified, follow your veterinarian's advice regarding treatment options. This may include medication, topical treatments, dietary changes, or environmental modifications. It is important to follow their instructions carefully to ensure effective treatment.

Remember, excessive scratching in hedgehogs can be a sign of various underlying issues. It is best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can provide the most accurate guidance based on their expertise and knowledge of hedgehog health.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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cindy jackman
Could i get all the low down on a hedgehog we just got one and want to learn alot about him thank you
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Why Does My Hedgehog Scratch So Much?