Other health problems

Why Is My Dog Snoring?

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: July 31, 2024
Why Is My Dog Snoring?

See files for Dogs

Have you noticed that your dog’s snoring has gotten louder? Are you wondering why your dog is snoring while awake? Sure, dogs like humans, do snore. But at times if the snoring worsens or occurs when the animal is awake, it could be a sign of pathology. Snoring in dogs is more common in brachycephalic dogs. In addition, these dogs should be aided when trying to breathe with more ease.

To find out more about snoring in dogs, keep reading here at AnimalWised. We will be discussing how to distinguish the difference between normal snoring in dogs or snoring in dogs as a sign of pathology. Keep reading here to find out why your dog is snoring.

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  1. Why is my dog snoring so loud
  2. Dog snoring when awake
  3. Dog breeds that snore: brachycephalic dogs
  4. Why is my dog snoring: remedies and solutions

Why is my dog snoring so loud

Before explaining why a dog snores, it needs to be made clear that some sleeping positions cause a dog to snore louder than others. This situation is not a cause for worry. In this case, once you move the dog the snoring should stop or quieten. For more we recommend reading our article where we discuss all of the dog sleeping positions and what they mean.

However, if your dog snores when awake, this could be a sign of breathing problems in dogs. For more, keep reading below.

Why Is My Dog Snoring? - Why is my dog snoring so loud

Dog snoring when awake

So, your dog is NOT a brachycephalic dog breed but still snores while awake, why? Snoring is commonly caused by an obstruction in air flow. The most common snoring in dogs causes include:

  • The presence of foreign bodies: small objects can sometimes enter a dog’s nasal cavity and partially or completely obstruct the air transit, causing snoring. These objects include small pieces of wood, plant fragments and, in general, any object able to enter a dog’s nostrils. At first, a dog might sneeze to try and expel the object. In addition, a dog may also rub its nose repeatedly to try and diminish discomfort. If this foreign body remains in the nose for an elongated period of time, it can result in an infection. If this is the case, you may also notice nasal discharge dripping from the infected nostril. Unless you are able to see the object clearly and remove it with tweezers, we recommend visiting a veterinarian to have the object removed professionally. For more, we recommend reading our article where we discuss why does my dog scratch their nose so much?
  • Dog runny nose: nasal discharge can also obstruct a dog’s nose. This obstruction whether to a greater or lesser extent, can hinder breathing and result in snoring. Are you wondering why my dog has a runny nose with green mucus? This secretion can appear light or thick and of different colors. This runny nose in dogs can be caused by rhinitis, an allergy and/or an infection. Nasal discharge in dogs may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, ocular discharge, coughing or sneezing (depending on the illness). A veterinarian will be in charge of diagnosing and treating this nasal discharge. For more, we recommend reading our article where we look at, my dog has a runny nose with green mucus.
  • Nasal polyps in dogs: are pink growths that appear from the nasal mucosa. In addition to obstructing air flow and cause snoring, nasal polyps can also result as nose bleeds in dogs. Nasal polyps can be a sign of nasal tumors in dogs and needs to be treated and/or removed by a veterinarian as soon as possible. For more, read why is there blood coming out of my dog’s nose.
  • Nasal tumors in dogs: these are especially common in older dogs and specific dog breeds such as Basset hounds, Bobtails or German shepherds. When it comes to nasal tumors in dogs, it’s common for the affected fossa to eliminate a visible secretion or blood. In addition, larger tumors can distort the dog’s face. Nasal tumors in dogs can also affect the dog’s eyes. Canine tumor treatment includes surgery or radiotherapy, although malignant tumors are usually very advanced and often cannot be cured.

Remember, in the case of any of the above mentioned situations, if your dog is struggling to breath you should take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Dog breeds that snore: brachycephalic dogs

Although the above mentioned circumstances can also affect brachycephalic dogs, the most common explanation can be understood by the syndrome itself.

Brachycephalic dog breeds include:

  • Pugs
  • Chihuahuas
  • Chow Chows
  • Pekingese
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Shih Tzu
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • English Bulldogs
  • Boston Terriers
  • Boxers

Brachycephalic dog breeds are, in short, any dog ​​with a wide skull and short muzzle. Due to these such genetic traits, these dogs often suffer from respiratory tract problems that can produce snoring, snorting, wheezing etc., These symptoms are often aggravated by heat, exercise or age. For more, read our article brachycephalic dog breeds list- character and care.

Brachycephalic airway obstructive syndrome in dogs

  • Nasal stenosis: this is a congenital problem whereby nasal openings are very small and nasal cartilage is too flexible that, when a dog inspires, its nasal passages are obstructed. If your dog is suffering from nasal stenosis, it will snore, breathe orally and have a runny dog. This can be treated surgically with the aim of making the nostrils larger.
  • Elongation of the soft palate: this palate is a mucosal flap that closes the nasopharynx during swallowing. When it is elongated, it obstructs the respiratory tract, resulting in snoring, nausea, retching, etc. Laryngeal collapse in dogs may occur over time. Surgery needs to be performed before the larynx is damaged.
  • Eversion laryngeal saccules: when there is prolonged respiratory obstruction, the laryngeal ventricles increase in size and turn, increasing obstruction. Treatment includes extirpation.
Why Is My Dog Snoring? - Dog breeds that snore: brachycephalic dogs

Why is my dog snoring: remedies and solutions

Now that you know why your dog may be snoring a lot, here are some steps you can take when dealing with breathing difficulties in dogs:

  • Cleaning your dog’s nostrils daily with syndrome.
  • Use a harness instead of a collar when walking your dog.
  • Avoiding high temperatures and direct sunlight.
  • Always carrying a bottle of water when walking with your dog. Keep your dog hydrated at all times!
  • Control food and water to avoid choking. Offer your dog small rations, try feeders.
  • Avoid overfeeding your dog and obesity.
  • Avoid stress and high impact exercise.

For more about dog breathing difficulties, we recommend reading our following articles:

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Why Is My Dog Snoring?, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category.

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Why Is My Dog Snoring?