
Smooth Fox Terrier

Updated: June 21, 2018
Smooth Fox Terrier

The smooth-haired fox terrier is an active and energetic dog. It is a hunter of small stature with enormous personality. This dog is considered to be a great pet. However, it is also a special dog that needs a lot of physical activity, therefore it is not suitable for any type of family.

This dog originated from England and holds origins as a fox hunter, hence its name. This dog is known to be friendly and social, however, it needs to be actively socialized and trained.

Thinking of adopting a Smooth Fox Terrier? Look no further! This AnimalWised breed file has everything you need to know about the bubbly smooth fox terrier. We will cover its origin, history, behavior, care and health.

  • Europe
  • United Kingdom
FCI classification
  • Group III
Physical characteristics
  • 5-14
  • 14-18
  • 18-22
  • 22-27
  • 27-31
  • More than 31
Adult weight
  • 2-7
  • 7-22
  • 22-55
  • 55-100
  • 100-220
Life expectancy
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Meidum
  • High
Recommended climate
Type of hair
  1. Origin and History
  2. Características del fox terrier de pelo liso
  3. Character
  4. Care
  5. Education
  6. Health

Origin and History

The fox terrier is one of the oldest terriers and apparently already existed in the mid-nineteenth century in England. Like many other terriers, this breed was used by English farmers to kill foxes and rats that plagued England at the time.

According to many authors, the Wire-haired Fox Terrier, sister breed of the straight-haired one, originated simultaneously, but from different crosses. Over time, however, the two varieties crossed and were considered to be the same breed until the mid-1980s. Only then were these two varieties recognized as the separate breeds, we know them.

The smooth-haired fox terrier is much less popular than its cousin the wire-haired fox terrier, and its use as a hunting dog has diminished.

Características del fox terrier de pelo liso

The dynamism and tremendous energy of these dogs are reflected in its appearance. Despite its small size, this past hunter breed is evidently strong, compact and agile, with a neither r coarse nor heavy body.

The alert expression of the smooth-haired fox terrier is accentuated by the shape of its skull, which molds a rather pointed snout and small dark eyes. It has small ‘‘V’’ shaped ears.

Their short, smooth, flattened, hard and dense fur distinguishes these dogs from their closest phylogenetic relatives: the wire-haired fox terrier. The predominant color of this breed is white, solid (full white) or spotty. The spots can be fiery, black or black and tan.

This breeds tail was formerly amputated.Apparently, this custom was used to prevent damage to the tail during hunting, and was a reminder of the functionality of this breed. Fortunately, tail docking prohibited nowaydays in many countries and the FCI standard of the straight-haired fox terrier expect ‘complete dogs’, ie; without tail amputations.

The smooth-haired fox terrier is a small to medium-sized dog, but the FCI standard does not provide parameters for its stature. However, the weight is indicated in the breed standard. The weight of males is between 7.3 and 8.2 kilograms, while that of females is between 6.8 and 7.7 kilograms.


These terrier dogs are very curious, active and alert. They demand a lot of exercise and company. The smooth-haired fox terrier is perhaps one of the most hyperactive dog breeds and claimants of physical and mental activity.

These dogs are excellent pets for people who can meet their high exercise needs, but they will be a terrible problem for sedentary and inexperienced dog-handling owners.

They can be good pets for families with big, responsible children. However, they are reactive dogs that can respond in a very negative way by the mistreatment of small children and adults.

On the other hand, smooth-haired fox terrier dogs are very reactive towards other dogs and other animals if they haven’t been well socialized. Therefore, they can be difficult with other pets in the same house.

Two behavioral characteristics of these dogs, which are undesirable for many people, is that they bark a lot and love to dig in the garden. They are very noisy animals.


Hair care when it comes to this breed is very simple. Regular brushing is sufficient. They do however lose hair regularly, therefore they are not a good choice for people with allergies.

They need a lot of exercise and company. It is not advisable to leave them alone for long periods. When they get bored they tend to destroy everything they find and dig in the garden. To have one of these dogs it is necessary to have enough time available to train them and exercise them properly. In addition, toys for dogs are a must. One of the most popular and useful with this breed is the kong.

Although they can live in an apartment, it is necessary to take them out for walks every day. The walks should preferably be long enough to allow them to exercise and socialize. We also recommend participating in dynamic canine sports, such as agility or canine freestyle. In this way this breed will have a great opportunity to channel their energy.


Canine obedience training and early socialization are fundamental for this breed. The first allows some control (depending on the level at which the training is taken), while the second allows the terrier to relate better with other dogs and people.If this breed is not socialized early, they tend to become ‘wild’, uncontrollable and very reactive with other people and pets. For that same reason, socialization should be one of the priorities in the education of a smooth fox terrier puppy.

On the other hand, we must emphasize that the smooth-haired fox terrier dog has a natural predisposition to obedience, especially if we use positive reinforcement regularly. Devoting time and effort to teaching different orders and practicing different activities will culminate a happy, sociable and obedient dog.


The plain-haired fox terrier does not present, as a breed, significant hereditary problems. However, depending on its breeding lines, it may have more or less propensity to developing some diseases. Among these diseases are: deafness, shoulder dislocation and cataracts.

It is important to detect any disease promptly. The minute you notice any strange symptom or behavior we suggest going to the veterinarian as soon as possible. You must follow your vaccination and deworming schedule.

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Smooth Fox Terrier