Facts about the animal kingdom

How Many Legs Does a Crab Have?

María Luz Thurman
By María Luz Thurman, Biologist/ornithologist. February 29, 2024
How Many Legs Does a Crab Have?

Sporting unique anatomies and remarkable behaviors, crabs have conquered diverse environments from salty seas to freshwater lakes. This thriving group of crustaceans boasts an array of fascinating features, with their versatile legs playing a starring role. From powering movement and capturing prey to adapting to specific habitats, crab legs offer a compelling glimpse into the wonders of their biology.

The following AnimalWised article explores the number of legs crabs have, as well as their functions and main characteristics.

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  1. How many legs does the crab have?
  2. What are crab legs like?
  3. Functions of crab legs

How many legs does the crab have?

Crabs are invertebrates belonging to the decapod group within the larger class of crustaceans. They typically possess ten legs, which are distributed as follows:

  • Two chelae (pincers): located at the front, these powerful appendages function like claws, used for grasping food, fighting, and defense. The chelipeds are significantly larger and stronger than the walking legs.

  • Eight walking legs: these are primarily used for locomotion (walking, crawling, or climbing), exploring their environment, and searching for food.

While most commonly known crabs do have 10 legs, it's not entirely accurate to say all crabs do. Here's a breakdown:

  • True crabs: these belong to the infraorder Brachyura and indeed have 10 legs, consisting of four pairs of walking legs and one pair of large pincers or claws. This is why the order they belong to is called Decapoda, meaning "ten-footed."

  • False crabs: these resemble true crabs but belong to different groups. Some false crab species, like porcelain crabs, have fewer than 10 legs, with some having only eight.

Ever heard of a crab that cracks coconuts with its claws? Meet the coconut crab, a remarkable creature with surprising abilities. Learn more about them here.

How Many Legs Does a Crab Have? - How many legs does the crab have?

What are crab legs like?

From an anatomical perspective, a crab's leg is a complex and segmented appendage. Here's a detailed breakdown of its structure:

  • Propodus: this is the distal segment, also known as the foot. In the first pair of legs, the propodus is modified into a cheliped or claw. It's used for grasping, crushing, and tearing food.

  • Dactyl: this is the terminal segment of the propodus and forms the tip of the claw or the foot. It can be hooked or pointed, depending on the crab species and its function.

  • Carpus: this is the segment located proximal (closer to the body) to the propodus. It forms the wrist of the leg and provides articulation for the propodus.

  • Merus: This is the third segment from the tip, located proximal to the carpus. It forms the upper arm of the leg and connects to the carpus.

  • Ischium: This is the fourth segment from the tip, located proximal to the merus. It forms the base of the leg and connects to the body of the crab at the coxa.

  • Coxa: This is the basal segment that connects the leg to the body wall of the crab. It allows for attachment of muscles that control the leg movement.

Each segment is connected to the next by a flexible joint that allows for movement in various planes. These joints are essential for crabs to walk, climb, burrow, and manipulate objects with their claws.

Many crab legs are covered in fine hairs called setae, which can have various functions like taste, touch, and chemoreception (sensing chemicals).

Functions of crab legs

Crabs rely on their legs for a variety of essential functions, and the specific structure of each leg segment plays a crucial role in enabling these functions. Let us take a closer look:

  • Locomotion: as mentioned before, the four pairs of walking legs are primarily used for walking, running, and climbing. Crab legs enable movement in their aquatic environment, with segmentation and articulation providing flexibility for walking on different substrates. Furthermore, the claws or setae help crabs cling to surfaces, preventing them from being swept away by currents or slipping on slippery terrain.

  • Feeding: the first pair of legs, modified into chelipeds or claws, are used for grasping, crushing, and tearing food. These claws vary in size and shape depending on the crab species and diet. The powerful muscles attached to these legs allow the chelipeds to exert significant force for grasping and crushing food.

  • Defense: pincers also serve a defensive function, allowing crabs to protect themselves from predators and compete for resources and territory. Additionally, some crab species can use their walking legs to pinch or snag predators, or even flick off sand or debris to deter them.

  • Exploration of the environment: crab legs, especially ambulatory ones, are equipped with sensory hairs and tactile receptors, allowing them to explore their surroundings, detect changes in substrate texture, and search for prey or shelter.

  • Regeneration: during molting, crabs regenerate their legs and other structures, facilitating adaptation to body growth and replacing damaged or lost parts.

  • Mating: in some crab species, male legs play a role in reproduction. Male crabs use their walking legs to hold onto females during mating. The ischium, merus, and carpus segments of the legs provide the male crab with a strong grip to hold onto the female's shell during the mating process.

It's important to remember that the specific structure and functions of crab legs can vary slightly depending on the crab species. Don't miss our other article exploring the diverse world of crabs, including their different types and species.

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  • Davie, P.J., Guinot, D., & Ng, P.K. (2015). Anatomy and functional morphology of Brachyura. Treatise on Zoology-Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea, Volume 9 Part C (2 vols), 11-163.
  • Davie, P.J., Guinot, D., & Ng, P.K. (2015). Anatomy and functional morphology of Brachyura. Treatise on Zoology-Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea, Volume 9 Part C (2 vols), 11-163.
  • Faulkes, Z., & Paul, D.H. (1997). Coordination between the legs and tail during digging and swimming in sand crabs. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 180, 161-169.
  • Felgenhauer, B.E. (1992). Internal anatomy of the Decapoda: an overview. Microscopic anatomy of invertebrates, 10, 45-75.
  • Ng, P.K., Yule, C., & Yong, H.S. (2004). Crustacea: decapoda, brachyura. Freshwater Invertebrates of the Malaysian Region. Malaysian Academy of Sciences, 311-336.
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How Many Legs Does a Crab Have?