Other health problems

My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: August 27, 2024
My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam

See files for Cats

When a cat is throwing up white foam, it can be a symptom of a serious condition which can be gastrointestinal or more systemic. Although cats can vomit with some regularity and not have a serious health condition, it is very important we do not ignore this symptom. The color and consistency of cat vomit can help us in diagnosing the underlying problem. We also need to pay close attention to any other signs of symptoms which may help us to determine why a cat is vomiting up white foam.

In this AnimalWised article, we look at the reasons why a cat is throwing up white foam. We look at the causes and treatment of each reason so we can know what to expect after we take them to a veterinarian.

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  1. Gastrointestinal disease causing white foam
  2. Other causes of cats vomiting white foam
  3. My cat is foaming at the mouth
  4. Are there psychological reasons a cat will vomit white foam?
  5. Treatment and prevention of cat vomiting white foam

Gastrointestinal disease causing white foam

The most likely motive behind vomiting is due to an issue with the digestive system. At the time of diagnosis it is important to take into account whether the vomiting is sporadic or persistent. There are two types of vomiting in cats, acute and chronic.

  • Acute vomiting: vomiting many times in a short period of time.
  • Chronic vomiting: throwing up regularly over a prolonged period of time.

We also need to be considerate of other symptoms and look at their context. This might include whether the cat is throwing up white foam after certain activities or if they seem to do it all of a sudden. One important factor is whether a cat is throwing up white foam multiple times or it is an isolated incident. We also need to take into consideration the cat's medical history and whether they have been involved in any accidents.

When your cat is vomiting white foam and not eating, it is often because they cannot keep any food down. Their stomach is upset to the point they know if they eat they will bring it up again. If they vomit enough, we will see that the white foam stops and the cat throws up yellow bile.

Consistency and color of the vomit is also influential in the diagnosis. We might see the cat has blood in their vomit or there is a lot of green mucus. If the cat is throwing up pink foam, it is possible the white foam is mixed with some fresh blood. When our cat vomits white foam, we should know it could be due to a gastrointestinal issue. These include:

  • Gastritis: gastritis in cats can also be acute or chronic. In both cases, the cat will require veterinary assistance. In gastritis, an irritation of the stomach lining occurs. This can happen when a substance such as grass, expired food, medications or toxic substances are ingested. Eating toxic substances results in intoxication. When this is chronic we can see the cat's coat diminishes in luster and quality. If it is not treated, our cat will also likely suffer from weight loss. However, it must be our veterinarian who identifies the specific cause and prescribes appropriate treatment.
  • Foreign bodies: hairballs in cats occur most commonly during the molting season. Hair collects inside the digestive system as hard balls, known as trichobezoars. These can be so large the cat cannot regurgitate them. This presence of foreign bodies can cause irritation of the digestive system. This can also sometimes result as an obstruction or even intussusception (introduction of a segment of the intestine in the intestine itself). In this latter case surgical intervention could be necessary. White foam may be present because the hairballs block food from moving through the GI tract.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease: one of the most common causes of vomiting in cats and should be differentiated from other pathologies such as lymphoma. A veterinarian will be responsible for carrying out relevant tests. In these cases we can see that the cat will vomit white foam and suffers from diarrhea. They will generally deteriorate until treated.

Note that one of the most common infectious disease of the gastrointestinal system is feline panleukopenia. This virus results in bloody vomiting and profuse diarrhea. In addition an affected cat will usually have a fever and will stop eating. If you notice or believe your cat may be suffering from panleukopenia, you need to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible.

My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam - Gastrointestinal disease causing white foam

Other causes of cats vomiting white foam

Sometimes, a cat throwing up white foam does not occur due to problems in the stomach or intestine, but through organs such as the liver, pancreas or kidney. These conditions include:

  • Pancreatitis: all feline pancreatitis cases require veterinary treatment. It can occur acutely, but is most often chronic. It may concur with other diseases such as gastrointestinal disease, liver disease and/or diabetes. It consists of inflammation or swelling of the pancreas, an organ responsible for producing enzymes needed for digestion and insulin needed to metabolize sugar. Among the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea and thinning of the coat.
  • Hepatic insufficiency: the liver fulfills important functions such as the elimination of waste or metabolism. A failure in its functioning will cause non-specific symptoms, such as vomiting, lack of appetite or weight loss. In more advanced cases jaundice can occur, seen by the yellowing of mucous membranes and skin. Several diseases, toxins or tumors can affect the liver, so diagnosis and veterinary treatment will be essential.
  • Diabetes: diabetes in cats is characterized by inadequate production of insulin, which is the substance responsible for providing glucose to the cells. Without insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood and symptoms occur. If your cat is suffering from diabetes, you will notice them drinking, eating and urinating more. Even if your cat doesn’t get fat, you will notice vomiting, alterations in the fur and bad breath.
  • Renal insufficiency: renal failure is a very common disorder in elderly cats. Kidney damage can occur both acutely or chronically. Chronic renal failure can't be cured, but it can be treated in order to give your cat the best chance at quality of life. Therefore it is essential to go to the veterinarian as soon as you observe symptoms such as a considerable increase in water intake, a change in the excretion of urine, loss of appetite, dehydration, a poorly conditioned mantle, dull mood, weakness, mouth injuries, breath with strange odor or vomiting. Acute cases require urgent veterinary attention.
  • Hyperthyroidism: the thyroid gland is located in the neck and is responsible for producing the hormone thyroxine. Excess hormone production implies the development of a clinical case, common to cats over the age of 10. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats include weight loss, significant increase in activity (the cat won't rest), increase in food and water intake, vomiting white foam, diarrhea, increased urination and excessive vocalizations.
  • Parasites: if our kitten vomits white foam and we have not dewormed them internally, they could be infested with internal parasites. In these cases, we may also observe the cat will vomit white foam and is not eating. Diarrhea may also be present. All of these issues are caused by the action of the parasites. This situation is more likely to occur in kittens than in adults, as they are less resistant to parasites. Your veterinarian can recommend some of the best products for deworming cats.

It is noticeable that many of these diseases have common symptoms. It is very important to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

My cat is foaming at the mouth

While vomiting white foam is one of the symptoms of the diseases and health problems listed in this article, it is not the only symptom. You might see that the cat is foaming at the mouth. In these cases, we need to make a specific distinction. Is the cat foaming at the mouth or do they have foam residue around their mouth?

If there is foam residue around the mouth, it can be due to various reasons such as eating something toxic. The toxic substance can cause a reaction and also dehydrate the cat, leading to foam residue. General dehydration can also cause white foam residue to appear around the cat's mouth.

When a cat is depressed, they might drool at the mouth, although it is unlikely they will produce white foam. If the cat is foaming at the mouth it is usually due to a serious problem. This could be a serious case of poisoning in cats, a seizure due to epilepsy or even, in perhaps the worst scenario, the cat has rabies.

Are there psychological reasons a cat will vomit white foam?

We should know that reasons why cats vomits are not always physiological. There are many different symptoms of stress in cats and vomiting can be one of them. If they are anxious, they might not be able to hold food down. Since some cats are stressed over their basic care, some will eat too fast if they think their food will be taken away. The act of fast eating can cause them to regurgitate the food back up.

However, when a cat vomits white foam, it means it is not usually directly food related. With white foam, there is no food present in the throw up. Instead, it is a mixture of saliva, mucus or other gastrointestinal fluids. Although psychological problems can also lead the cat to vomit food, it is unlikely they will vomit up white foam. If they are on an empty stomach and they vomit, they will most likely throw up bile. This will be a yellow color, not white and foamy.

While it is possible a cat will throw up white foam due to stress, it is unlikely. However, the underlying cause of vomiting might lead them to feel anxious and scared, so reducing their anxiety can be an important factor.

My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam - Are there psychological reasons a cat will vomit white foam?

Treatment and prevention of cat vomiting white foam

Now we know the most common causes that explain why a cat vomits white foam, we should know that the treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Since throwing up white foam is a symptom, it won't be treated directly. Here we also provide some tips on how to prevent vomiting white foam in the first place.

  • Vomiting is a symptom that should not be left untreated. If it persists for more than 24 hours, or you see any other symptoms which imply an emergency, take them to the veterinarian immediately.
  • It is a good idea to write down the observed symptoms. In the case of vomiting, we need look at its composition and frequency. This will help a veterinarian reach a diagnosis.
  • We must provide our cat with an adequate diet for their nutritional needs, avoiding foods that may make them feel nauseous or provoke allergic reactions. Throwing up white foam and not eating is a common sign of nutritional or digestive problems.
  • Keep your cat in a safe environment to prevent them from swallowing a potentially dangerous object.
  • As for hairballs, you should brush your cat regularly especially during molting season, since this way we help eliminate dead hair. We can also count on the help of malt paste for cats or feed which is specially formulated to favor hair transit.
  • It is important to maintain an internal and external deworming calendar, even if our cat does not have access to the outside. A veterinarian will provide you with appropriate guidelines according to your circumstance.
  • If our cat vomits once and is still in good spirits, you can wait and observe before contacting a veterinarian. On the other hand, if the vomiting is repeated and you notice other symptom, you must go to the veterinarian immediately.
  • From 6-7 years of age, we suggest you take your cat to the veterinary clinic for a complete medical review at least once a year. These medical reviews will make sure that your cat is kept in constant good health. This review will also allow the vet to notice if there is the presence of particular diseases or viruses, allowing for early treatment.

Vomiting white foam is only one symptom of illness in cats. You can look at some more related feline health issues in our video below on 8 reasons why cats vomit:

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category.

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What did you think of this article?
My cat threw up once. And her feed time is 12 hours a part. She eats two meals a day. In the morning she ate normally but in the evening she vomit whit foam. What could be the cause. Please help me and she is refusing to eay food now.
just one time is not serious
Diana Holtzbrook
My cat rarely vomits, and if he does it's either because
1) He eats too fast.
2) a hairball.
Both of them being rare cases until recently. My cat stopped eating and drinking, and I notice him vomiting more. My husband just thinks he's being a spoiled picky eater, but I think it might be worse.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Diana,

It could be a result of aging as gastrointestinal issues can be more common (although they occur throughout a cat's life). As the article shows, there are many possible reasons. Speak to your vet if you think they need a diagnosis.
I have 2 cats that both foam at the mouth for different reasons, neither of which was addressed here. One will vomit foam if he is made to wait more than 14 hours between feedings instead of his usual 12. He is an old guy and does however lately have awful breath and vomit up maybe one meal a week, strangely about 6 hours after the meal and it is usually in tact and copious. Afterwards he walks around in distress for a couple minutes with foam running from his mouth to the ground. He has had two intensive stomach surgeries due to pica. Both times he was lucky to make it. He more recently had surgery to correct a genetic condition that caused his brain to start sliding of of his skull and rest on hos spinal chord. He was very traumatized after that surgery and not really right again so we have a vet who comes to the house and she does what she can here but I don’t think he would survive a car trip to the vet with his fear and he does not reapond well to Gaba.

It is why his sister/littermate, Lily, foams at thr mouth that I think you may want to addrwss in your article because we freaked out the first time ot happened and were close to rushing her to the vet hospital. She presented as hungry during her normal feeding time and excited until we put the bowl down. Bo matter what we gave her, she would just stare at it and foam at the mouth. She did not cry but she did not ear either. She walked away after less than a minute. It’s happened many times since and is a result of an unnatural (to the NE United States) foe that expels a nerve agent that paralyzes the cat’s mouth and, we suspect, vocal chords: the Japanese Stink Beetle. They release this awful smell and that is how we finally figured out that she had eaten a stink bug and googled the symptoms of stink bug poisoning. We’re used to smelling it (as used to it as you can get) but she seems to forget every year that these aren’t as fun as crickets. And then forgets again a few weeks later. Just thought if your readership is in the US, they may want to know about Hunter and Lily’s reasons for foaming. Btw, Lily is the one with the caramel smudge and they are Hunter S Tomcat and Lily Putian. You have my permission to site their names and use their photo if you so wish. .
My cat had had a couple of very hard stools and he has thrown up 4 times today then he coughed up white spit what should I do?
charles a green
my cat is throwing up just once in awhile it does hurt her she meows when it does than she throws up she be just 4 years old this year it started 3 days ago she was fine and all sudden she got sick
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Charles,

While we provide some information as to why the cat may be vomiting, we cannot diagnose an animal. We recommend going to a vet ASAP.
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My Cat Is Throwing Up White Foam