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The Most Expensive Cats in the World

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Veterinary assistant and groomer. December 3, 2024
The Most Expensive Cats in the World

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The history and culture of cat breeding is fascinating. By mating individual specimens with particular physical or behavioral traits, we can see the creation of cat breeds with distinctive characteristics. Although each cat is an individual and breed is only one factor which will determine personality, many of us find it helpful to look for a breed with such particular characteristics. Not all breeds are as numerous as others, meaning supply is an issue. Due to rarity and exclusivity, some domestic cat breeds are much more expensive than others.

At AnimalWised, we discover the 10 most expensive cats in the world with prices. In doing so, we highlight some of the ethically questionable practices which result in these designer cat breeds and discover why purchasing such domestic felines might not be the best option.

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  1. Why are some cat breeds so expensive?
  2. Siberian
  3. Ragdoll
  4. Persian
  5. Safari
  6. Sphynx
  7. Caracat
  8. Khao manee
  9. Bengal
  10. Savannah
  11. Ashera
  12. Why you shouldn't buy very expesnive cats
See more >>

Why are some cat breeds so expensive?

If you are looking for one of these expensive domestic cat breeds, you will have seen often exorbitant prices. There are various reasons for this, including:

  • Breeding practices and costs: breeding certain lineages takes time, effort and money, in addition to very specific expertise. Ensuring the right care and suitable practices are carried out is not cheap, so the cost of each individual feline will need to take these factors into account. They are also seen as ‘designer’ or ‘luxury’ cat breeds, so the culture around their breeding encourages high pricing.
  • Rarity and exclusivity: the rarer something is, the more expensive it will be. This also applies to certain cat breeds. It is simply a case of supply and demand. If they are not many specimens of a certain breed, their costs will be higher when the demand increases.
  • Breeding challenges: even with expertise, it is not always easy to breed certain types of cat. For reputable breeders, genetic and health screenings need to be carried out to best ensure the health of the kittens. Other costs include specialized care needs, including veterinary requirements.
  • Cost of upkeep: for reputable breeders, ensuring the health and well-being of all the cats in their care can be expensive. In addition to veterinary costs, there is the simple matter of housing and feeding the cats. This takes space, time and capital.

As we can see, breeding these cats is a challenge which means costs are high. We look at the individual expensive cats breeds to learn more about why this is the case and what sort of pricing we might expect.


We begin our list of the 10 most expensive cat breeds with the Siberian cat. While we have explained the general reasons why some breeds are more expensive than others, it is also important to know that each cat is an individual. Factors such as age, sex and pedigree may influence the eventual price.

These large and ancient cats have only recently been recognized as an official breed. They are known for their thick coat, ideal for withstanding the harsh weather conditions of their forests of origin, as well as their sociable nature. Their particularity is the time they take to reach adult size, around 4-5 years. Due to their rarity outside of their native Russia, they often command high prices and can range from $1,200–$4,000 in the U.S.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Siberian


The Ragdoll cat originated in the United States in the 1960s. Loke their namesake, they are cuddly, soft and wonderful with kids. Such a docile character and beautiful appearance has made them highly sought-after. While they are known for having a colorpoint pattern, there are variations which can be tortoiseshell, bicolor or even a pattern known as mitted, meaning they have white paws instead of colorpoint.

With such a range of coat colors and patterns, prices may vary depending on the specific cat. Due to their laid-back temperament and striking fur, this breed is in high demand. They can generally range in price from $400–$2,500.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Ragdoll


Persian cats are very popular and easily identifiable thanks to their long fur. There are different types of Persians, some having a more traditional morphology, while others have the facial structure of other flat-face cat breeds.

In addition to their appearance, Persians stand out for their calm and affectionate nature. While their long cat needs considerable care and attention, they are very easy-gong cats and will become beloved companions to many types of family. Due to this combination of sweet personality and distinctive look, Persian cats can cost from around $1,800–$5,000. The rarity and appeal of white Persian cats means they are usually at the latter end of this range.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Persian


These cats are recently created hybrids, which is why there are few specimens and little information available about the breed. They have not yet been officially recognized by any cat breed standards authority and finding a specimen for purchase can be very difficult. Being so extremely rare, this cat breed can range in price from $4,000–$8,000.

Another factor which influences their high price is their difficulty in breeding. The safari is considered both an experimental cat breed and a hybrid cat breed. They are crossed with a wild cat known as Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), a crossing which is both difficult and ethically dubious.

While it results in an undoubtedly beautiful feline, the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) strongly opposes the hybridization of domestic and wild cats. The reasons include their unpredictable nature, the safety of the cats and their offspring, and the welfare concerns for these cats.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Safari


The Sphynx cat is one of the most expensive cat breeds which is considered a type of hairless cat. In fact, it was the first feline breed of this type to be accepted by breed standards organizations. While it may appear to be completely hairless, it actually has very fine short hair due to a genetic mutation that arose spontaneously.

This feature that makes them special also causes them to suffer from certain health problems related to their exposed skin. Any Sphynx cat which is adopted will have to be protected from both the cold and the heat. These unique specimens usually cost in a price range of $3,000–$10,000. Prices vary significantly depending on the quality and rarity of the cat's coloration or lineage.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Sphynx


It is already ethically questionable to pay thousands of dollars for domestic cats in the context of feline overpopulation and abandonment. It is even more so when specimens created by human whim are purchased, without a minimum respect for the nature of the species. This is what happens in the case of the Caracat cat, a cross between a domestic cat and a wild feline known as the caracal.

Initially, this was an accidental mating. Intentional breeding later began using Abyssinian cats. In the wild, cats would be prey for the caracal, so the breeding has to be forced with more docile or tame specimens kept in captivity. Furthermore, the gestation period is not the same for both cats. All of this gives an idea of how artificial and aggressive the whole process is and how disrespectful it is to animals.

Despite (or even because of) the controversy, this expensive cat breed is still sought after by certain cat fanciers. It is among the rarest and most expensive breeds. Prized for its exotic appearance​, it can cost in a range of $10,000–$20,000.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Caracat

Khao manee

Khao manee are very old Thai cats that are characterized by their white fur and eyes that usually present in different colors. They are highly appreciated for their personality. Additionally, they are relatively easy to care for. Their name in Thai translates into ‘white gem’ in English, highlighting the fact they have become a symbol of happiness and good luck in their country of origin.

Despite all these advantages, it is a breed that only recently began to leave Thailand. For this reason, they are not easy to find, increasing prices outside their home country. They are also known as the ‘Diamond Eye’ cat dur to their piercing and crystal clear gaze. Rare and revered for its striking looks, this breed can fetch anywhere from $7,000–$11,000.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Khao manee


The Bengal cat is the result of crossing domestic and wild cats. In this case, they were originally crossed with the Asian leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). The domestic breeds with which they were crossed varied, but the Egyptian Mau is the most important. This means they are another hybrid cat that began its breeding through human intervention. Its first specimen was born in 1963 in the United States.

The aim was to create a perfectly domestic and docile cat with the characteristic coat of a wild feline. In the specific case of the Bengal, an active, strong, healthy and sociable cat was achieved. Their price varies greatly, decreasing with younger generations and ranging from $5,000–$10,000.

Learn about the differences between Bengal cats and leopard cats with our related guide.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Bengal


Once again on the list of the most expensive cats in the world we find a feline that combines a sociable and affectionate character with a coat typical of wild felines. In this case, it is a cross between domestic cats and the serval, a wild cat of African origin.

It is a hybridization that was carried out in the United States in the 80s. It is controversial on an ethical level, as it requires the forced mating of two different species. Despite this, The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted the breed in 2012. They are large, intelligent and active cats that love water. Early generations are more expensive, resulting in larger price range than most of $1,000–$20,000.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Savannah


We end the list of the most expensive cats in the world with the one that is currently considered the most valuable. This means the Ashera is the most expensive cat in the world. Once again, this breed places us before the ethical debate on the breeding of hybrid feline breeds. The Ashera is a cat created by genetic manipulation in a laboratory in the United States from several wild species, such as the Asian leopard cat and the serval.

As with the other hybrid breeds we have mentioned, the result is a large cat that combines human sociability with a wild appearance. Ashera cats are sterile, so new specimens can only be obtained by going to the laboratory that ‘invented’ them. This is why their price is the highest in the world. Controversial for its exclusivity and potential overlap with Savannah cats, this breed is marketed as an ultra-luxury pet and ranges from $22,000–$125,000.

If you are able to afford to spend the price of a small house on a pet, our article on caring for Ashera and Savannah cats may be helpful.

The Most Expensive Cats in the World - Ashera

Why you shouldn't buy very expesnive cats

It is completely understandable that you will want to buy a purebred cat. While their personality will largely depend on the care with which they are provided, it is an advantage to better predict how a cat may fit with your home. They are also undoubtedly beautiful and can become beloved members of the family.

However, beauty and companionship are not exclusive to the most expensive cats in the world. There are many cats out there who can be adopted for free who can be just as important to your family as those on our list. If we are able to provide the right care, every cat can be an excellent companion. This companionship is not something which can be measured in dollars, so it is important not to confuse value with price.

While reputable breeders will do everything they can to ensure the well-being of each cat, creating a market for designer cat breeds is dangerous. With high demand for luxury animals, it encourages disreputable breeding with a poor standard of care. This encourages illegal practices which can put both animals and humans in harm.

As we have mentioned with the hybrid cats on our list, the breeding of domestic cats with wild felines has faced serious opposition with animal organizations such as the American Association of Feline Practitioners[1]. This is due to issues for the welfare of the individual cats, the risk to public safety of keeping wild animals for breeding purposes, the increased likelihood of genetic issues and other matters of public interest.

Adopting an animal in need helps the overall feline community, but creating an exclusive market which prizes commerce over welfare does not. Many purebred cats are available from animal shelters, but all cats are beautiful and deserving of a loving family. Adopt, don't shop.

If you do decide to adopt a new cat into the family, learn how to welcome a kitten into the home with our related guide.

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1. Feline Focus. (2010). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(1), 58–60.

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The Most Expensive Cats in the World