Caring for an Ashera or Savannah Cat

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The most important aspect of keeping a Savannah or Ashera cat is indirect, but completely relevant to their care. It's a hole - specifically the hole that will burn into your pocket if you decide to take in a Savannah or Ashera cat, whose current price varies between 17,000 and 100,000 US dollars.
If you have recovered from the faint feeling that comes after reading such a sum, let's continue. Why are Savannah cats so expensive, and why is there such a huge different price? The short answer is that there are four different varieties of Savannah cat. This cat breed is special in size and origin, but when it comes to caring for an Ashera or Savannah cat the process is not so different as what a common domestic cat requires.
Stay with us at AnimalWised and learn all about the origin and requirements of Savannah or Ashera cats!
Why adopt an Ashera or Savannah cat?
We suppose you are still wondering about the bizarre price of the Savannah or Ashera cat. To start with, we can say that one of the reasons why the Ashera or Savannah cat is the world's most exclusive domestic cat is its size - it is the largest cat breed in the world.
However, that is not all there is to it.
Origin and history of the Savannah cat
The Ashera or Savannah cat breed was conceived in the USA, in a laboratory called Lifestyle Pets. In the 1980s, two cat breeders decided to crossbreed a male serval (Leptailurus serval), a type of African wild cat with a beautiful spotted coat, with a female Siamese cat.
The result was the world's largest domestic cat breed, with large ears and a leopard-like coat. Those first crossbred cats were bred with other domestic cats, diluting the wild genes down generations. The creators of the new breed reached a standard in the mid-nineties and managed to get their cats accepted as a breed - the Savannah or Ashera cat - by the International Cat Association in 2001.
This breed is not the only one resulting from crossbreeding domestic cats with wild cats. In fact, you can find all sorts of cat hybrids, including ligers and tigons. A similar phenomenon is that of crossbred or designer dogs, although they are always domestic breeds.
Very few Savannah cats are bred each year, as the pregnancy is difficult and it takes time to reach pet-like generations. The labs keep most female Savannah cats for breeding during the first generations, so adopting a male Ashera will be slightly easier, although there is still a waiting list. Currently there are four varieties of Savannah cat in the market:
- Standard Savannah cat
- Hypoallergenic Savannah cat GD
- Snow Savannah cat
- Royal Savannah cat

Standard Savannah cat
The standard Savannah or Ashera cat resembles a small leopard. It measures 1.50 cm long including the tail and they weigh 12 to 15 kg. These measurements and weights are common to the four varieties; the main difference between the varieties of Savannah cat is their coat.
The morphology of this precious hybrid is also common to all its varieties. Savannah cats have a relatively small head with large erect ears, with a very long and slender body and long legs. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, which causes their hindquarters to be gracefully upturned.
In general, these are very affectionate and communicative cats. Savannah cats emit very sharp meows that contrast with their enormous size when compared to other breeds of cats.
The standard Savannah cat has a coat of beige or brown shades dotted with black spots on both sides and elongated black spots from the neck to the base of the tail.
Hypoallergenic Savannah cat GD
This variety of Savannah cat is similar to the previous one, but it the peculiarity of not causing allergy to people who are allergic to cats.
Here you can learn more about hypoallergenic cat breeds for allergic families.
Snow Savannah cat
This variety of Savannah cat is reminiscent of a small snow leopard. On its white fur there are small coffee colored spots distributed on both flanks. On its back, from head to tail, the spots are elongated. This distribution of the spots is common to the other varieties.
Royal Savannah cat
This variety does not exceed 4% of the litters. Its fur has precious and delicate cream to orange shade, and the spots and markings are more defined than its counterparts in the other mutations.
Caring for a Savannah or Ashera cat
The Ashera cat, even if it is an exclusive hybrid breed, is still a cat. Thus, the care it requires will be that proper for a cat, which we discuss below:
Caring for a Savannah cat's health:
The first step after you adopt a Savannah cat will be to visit the vet, although during the first year there is an insurance policy that covers all visits. In addition, the cat is delivered perfectly vaccinated and with the chip incorporated. A certificate attached to the genetic fingerprint of the feline authenticates its origin.
What is the best diet for a Savannah cat?
The Ashera cat requires a balanced, rich diet to maintain its shiny coat and develop its muscles properly. You must always opt for premium ranges and high quality.
Caring for a Savannah cat's coat:
One way to avoid external parasites and prevent accumulation of dead hair - with the consequent formation of hairballs - is to brush your cat regularly. In addition to helping win over the trust of your new best friend, it will also serve to keep it beautiful. Use brushes for short-haired cats.
Bathing a Savannah cat:
You should not bathe your cat too regularly, as it will hurt its dermis and the quality of its fur. Once every month and a half or even every two months will suffice.
However, despite the gentle character of the Ashera cat, it may happen that it does not like getting wet. If this is your case, we recommend you discover how to clean a cat without bathing it.
Toys and fun:
Another important part of cat care is to keep it physically and mentally stimulated. Use toys, intelligence games and teaching your cat to use the scraper and sandpit are basic conditions to be happy.

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