Reproductive system diseases

My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: April 27, 2021
My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment

See files for Cats

If you notice that your cat is bleeding from her private area, it is completely normal to feel alarmed. Generally, if your cat is bleeding from her vulva, it is a sign that she is facing a health problem.

Cystitis, uterine infections, trauma or tumors, may be some of the main reasons that could explain why your cat is bleeding from her vulva. This is when the main question arises: what do you do? The first thing we suggest doing is visiting your veterinarian immediately. This is because some of the causes of this symptomatology can be deadly.

In this AnimalWised article, we will be discussing possible causes of why your cat is bleeding from her private area. In addition, we will be explaining what treatment could be applied. It is, however, extremely important that if you notice this symptom, you visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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  1. Do cats bleed when in heat?
  2. Cat bleeding: cystitis in cats
  3. Cat bleeding: pyometra in cats
  4. Cat bleeding from vagina: cat miscarriage
  5. Cat bleeding from her private parts: cat giving birth
  6. Cat peeing blood: kidney stones in cats
  7. Physical trauma in cats
  8. Cat peeing blood but acting normal: tumor in cats
  9. What must I do if my cat is bleeding from her private area?

Do cats bleed when in heat?

There is a misconception, that because bitches bleed in heat, so do female cats. This, however, is not true.

Cats do not bleed when they are in heat. Therefore, if you notice that your cat is bleeding brown/reddish liquid, or you notice the appearance of blood when your cat pees: this is a symptom of pathology. For more, keep reading to find out the main causes of vaginal bleeding in cats.

Cat bleeding: cystitis in cats

Cystitis in cats consists of an inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis in cats can be caused by: a urinary infection, an excessive proliferation of bacteria, kidney disease and even a trauma, such as a hit or blow.

Symptoms or signs of cystitis in cats include:

Usually, in a case of cystitis, you will notice the presence of fresh blood in your cat’s urine. A veterinarian will also notice the presence of bacteria in the urine, when looked at microscopically. This pathology usually carries a good prognosis, since cystitis is easily treated with antibiotics: which must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment - Cat bleeding: cystitis in cats

Cat bleeding: pyometra in cats

Pyometra in cats is an infection which consists of an accumulation of pus inside of a cat’s uterus. Pyometra in cats is extremely dangerous and can be lethal if not treated in time. Pyometra usually affects cats older than 8 years old that have not been sterilized. Or, it is also known to have affected cats that have received hormonal treatment.

The disease appears as a result of a bacterial contraction during a cat’s estrus phase (when a cat begins to accept mounting).

There are two types of pyometra:

  • Closed: when the pus is not expelled and the uterus can burst, producing a peritonitis.
  • Open: which, among other signs, is evidenced by: bleeding with pus, dehydration, frequent urination and lethargy.

In order to diagnose this pathology, an ultrasound and blood samples are required. Treating pyometra in cats entails surgery and/or a drug administration: always prescribed by a veterinarian.

Cat bleeding from vagina: cat miscarriage

If your cat is pregnant and you notice that she is bleeding from her vulva: she may be experiencing a miscarriage. Depending on the stage of pregnancy in which your cat is in, the risk levels will vary:

  • First weeks of pregnancy: it is possible that it is due to the death of one of the kittens. This stage in which the fetuses are still poorly formed, the body of most cats simply absorbs the tissue. Therefore, the possibilities of complication are low.
  • Middle of the gestation: here, it is probable that the mother and the rest of the kittens are in danger. In this phase, abortions can be spontaneous. often due to: trauma or a serious uterine infection.

In both cases it is essential to go to the veterinarian immediately. A professional will be able to analyse the situation and treat it accordingly. A veterinarian will most likely request an ultrasound or x-ray in order to evaluate the cat’s state of pregnancy.

My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment - Cat bleeding from vagina: cat miscarriage

Cat bleeding from her private parts: cat giving birth

When it comes to a cat giving birth, it is normal that she might bleed through her vulva.

Before delivery, a cat will not only bleed through her vulva, but will also seem more restless. A cat that is about to give birth will also look for a ‘safe’ place to birth her kittens. Once this spot is found, your cat will expel some mucus: the mucus plug that indicates that delivery is about to take place.

Cat peeing blood: kidney stones in cats

The presence of kidney stones is a very annoying health problem for cats. Kidney stones in cats cause pain when urinating and are very dangerous. One of the main symptoms of kidney stone in cats is urination with blood.

Kidney stones in cats can be caused by different things. The most common, however, is diet. A cat which has been fed a diet high in saturated fats and flour, is more susceptible to developing kidney stones. This is why a high-quality cat diet is recommended for your felines.

My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment - Cat peeing blood: kidney stones in cats

Physical trauma in cats

Physical trauma in cats occurs after a hard blow or fall. This type of trauma can occur after a fight with another cat, a blow or a fall: something that physically damages the cat’s organism. When this happens, it is not uncommon for your cat to bleed through her vulva and/or other parts of the body. In some cases, you might even notice a presence of marks or wounds on the cat’s body, like bruises or cuts.

Injuries on any animal are very dangerous, as they could involve possible damage to vital organs, as well as internal bleeding. If you suspect that your cat is suffering from any physical trauma or blow, we suggest visiting your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Cat peeing blood but acting normal: tumor in cats

A tumor consists of an abnormal growth of tissue. Tumors can occur on any part of the body, such as : renal, reproductive or urinary organs. In these cases, your cat will most likely suffer symptoms of bleeding while urinating.

It is important to note that most tumors, whether benign or malignant, are discreet. Therefore, in order to treat and diagnose this case, an immediate visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment - Cat peeing blood but acting normal: tumor in cats

What must I do if my cat is bleeding from her private area?

Observing abnormal bleeding such as those previously described can be very alarming, but remember to remain calm.

If you observe this type of bleeding in your cat, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. In addition, some of the diseases that cause bleeding while urinating can be lethal; if not treated in time. Therefore, immediate action is required.

Also, remember that you should never self-medicate your cat and/or ignore symptoms of illness,pain or discomfort.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment, we recommend you visit our Reproductive system diseases category.

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my cat is 2 yrs old been neutered but shes spraying and found blood where she has been shes eating and playing ok im very worried please help
Erika Wilson-Marsh
My cat got out while in heat about 4 weeks ago. Today she has started bleeding from her vulva, she is not showing any signs of distress she is eating, drinking and playing normally. Should I be overly worried.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Erika,

Eating normally and not showing signs of distress are good signs, but it is not normal for her to be bleeding from her vulva, even if she were pregnant. It is possible she has miscarried or had some other complication. It's possibly not related and could be due to another issue. Only a veterinarian can diagnose the problem.
Well long story short I have a female cat tht was housed with a male cat tht was 3 months old at the time she went into heat. But she also got out when she was in heat too. So basically she was around a 3 month male a possibly others wen she got out and in heat. Well her belly is showing and she had some watery bloody discharge. She seems to be fine no thing out of the usual but lastnight she kept trying to get in a cupboard. I dnt have money for a vet bill and I dnt know what this could be from. Does anyone have any advice or know how long after she spots when she can go into labor if Thts the case.
Why does my cats private part is bleeding after days of giving birth? It has been 3 days and we only noticed it now. We cannot afford going a vet to know why, and it's making me feel anxious and scared because I don't want her to die. Please, give me answers. It would be a great and big help for someone like me!!
I have a cat and she gave birth to two kittens.And they haven't even opened their eyes. But I have noticed that there's blood in my cat's vaginal area (not a lot)and bit smelly . I want to make sure that is this a critical condition or will it be dangerous. I mean I also had another cat but one of her kittens died because vet told that the kitten was transmitted by a diarrhoea condition from its mother. And hope to get some advices
jacqueline edwards
hi my female cat is leaving tiny bits of red blood behind where shes been sitting only lasts a few days then stops might start up again in a couple of months as has done previously .She is good in herself , no blood in her wee or poop and shes eating/drinking fine .Can you help ?
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Jacqueline,

Is she spayed?
My cat does the same.
Before the blood spots started, she had a pot belly that seemed like is was about to burst but she was fine in all other health aspects. After about 3 weeks of this;
-She ended up leaking brown liquid then it became pink and now she bleeds all the time.
-I see about 2-4 spots of blood (absorbed in scott towels) about 5 inches in diameter, daily.
-Her pot belly is now gone.
-Blood continues to leak.
-Its been about 3 days now since she started bleeding bright red in color.
-She eats, drinks and seems fine except today is the second day I hear her growl at least 1-2 times during the day.
-She is not fixed and is an indoor cat living with one male cat but he is fixed (cat make babies)

Any Ideas on what this could be or how to fix it with natural remedies? (im a single father of one and lost my job of 5 years due to Covid so I dont have the hundereds of dollars to pay for a Vet only to find out that there is nothing that can be done and she will die)

Thank you
Jacqueline, I just wanted to say that this is the same with my cat. She is spayed and is 16 years old. She has been doing this for about 3 years now and the vet could find no cause. There was no sign of UTI when he tested. We worry about her as she is very small and frail, but otherwise healthy...good eater/drinker...plays well with others etc.
Karan Douglas
My cat is passing brown water
my cat is leaking from her private area pretty badly but I can't afford to take her to the vet I have any money for that is there anything I can do at home for this problem. She's also a polydactyl.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Peggy,

A veterinarian is the only one who can help. If you cannot pay, you should contact your local animal welfare services and see what resources you have in your environment. Some have special schemes in place to help people in your situation. If not, they should still be able to provide some further advice.
Carla A
We’re you able to help your cat?
My female cat is also bleeding, it’s been around three days now. Tomorrow I’m bring her to the vet.
Loretta L Mccall
My cat had a big stain on the cover of blood ehst is it...
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Loretta
If your cat is bleeding from her private area, we recommend consulting your veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of a pathology.
Very helpful. But, was wondering do cats have period and bleed? cos if my cat bleeding from her private area maybe its her period? Is it possible. Pls let me know
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My Cat Is Bleeding From Her Private Area - Causes & Treatment