The Strongest Dog Breed in the World

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It is difficult to choose a single dog as the strongest dog breed in the world. There are several characteristics that give great strength to a dog, such as their body and bite.
Despite the strength of a dog, they should never be used to fight. They must be educated from an early age with positive reinforcement and giving them all the love and affection they deserve. A dog is as dangerous as their owner wants them to be, so despite their strength, they don't necessarily have to be aggressive or dangerous dogs.
If you want to know which is the strongest dog in the world, continue reading this AnimalWised article.
The strongest dog breed according to weight and size
The body of a dog is a key factor in measuring strength. The bigger and heavier they are, the stronger they should be. The heaviest dog in the world is the English Mastiff, whose weight can reach and even exceed 100 kilos.
There are other breeds of dogs that can also reach 100 kilos (220 lbs) of weight, such as the Japanese Mastiff or Tosa, but these are rare dogs and their real average weight is somewhat lower. In addition to being large dogs, English mastiffs are strong dogs with a prominent head and jaw that simply impress.

The strongest dog according to their bite
In addition to their body mass, when deciding which is the strongest dog in the world, a dog's bite force is also a key factor. In this sense, two breeds with the strongest bites can be highlighted:
- Mastiff: All the sub-breeds that make up the mastiff family have a really strong bite, although some more than others.
- Rottweiler: This breed has a very powerful head, jaw and neck that makes their bite have an enormous strength, so much so that it equals the mastiff's.

The strongest dog in the world, the Turkish Kangal
If we combine these two characteristics we bet on the Turkish kangal as the strongest dog in the world. It is a molosser breed type that comes from a cross with an English mastiff.
They can weigh up to 100 kilos (220 lbs) and their head and jaws are really big, which makes them have a formidable bite strength. They are a fierce dog breed that has worked for generations to keep the herd safe from wolves and strangers and, at the same time, is a very quiet and family loving dog, so if they are educated well from childhood they are an ideal dog for a family, whether or not you have small children.
Do you agree with this choice? Which is the strongest dog in the world according to your judgment? Tell us about it in the comments!

Full list of strongest dog breeds in the world
Now that you know which is the strongest dog breed in the world, we'd like to let you know what breeds are the runner-ups for this position:
- Turkish kangal: The first position for the strongest dog breed in the world goes to the Kangal. As mentioned above, the combination of size and bite makes them highly powerful, especially due to the fact that they have had to face pretty dangerous animals throughout the years.
- Saint Bernard: Although calm and commonly well-behaved, the Saint Bernard comes second on this list as they have historically needed all the strength they have to survive as mountain guide dogs during many years.
- Carpathian Shepherd: The bronze on this list goes to the Carpathian Shepherd, yet another mountain dog that has had to fight the attacks of wolves, bears and other wild animals during many years. Their size and the power of their jaws makes them reach this high position on the top 10 strongest dog breeds.
- Alaskan Malamute: This type of husky dog also makes the list and is a well-known mountain dog too. Taller and heavier than the Siberian Husky, this furry dog can reach between 54 to 60 kilos (75 to 100 pounds) in weight.
- Rottweiler: As mentioned above, this German dog breed has one of the strongest bites of all. Dating back to the Roman Empire, this breed's ancestors were used for protection and herding. It is no wonder it is one of the strongest!
- Dogo Argentino: Originally hunters too, this extremely muscular dog was used as a fighting dog by the Araucarians or Mapuche group in pre-Columbine South America. As a fun fact, you should know that this dog breed has one of the worst senses of smell.
- Pit bull: Probably one of the most well-known dogs for their strength, the pit bull was originally bred for fighting purposes. However, through a good socialization and education from puppyhood, this dog breed can be highly affectionate and, despite their reputation, are not dangerous in the slightest.
- English Bulldog: Don't let their size fool you, the English Bulldog is highly muscular and is pretty heavy built. As their name suggests, in their past they were used to herd bulls. However, even though they may be strong, they have a very calm and docile character and are very good around children.
- Siberian Husky: We bet you were waiting for this mountain dog to appear on the list of strongest dog breeds. Well, the Siberian Husky was used by the Chuckchi nomadic tribes to carry goods and people by dragging sleds due to their great amount of strength. Moreover, they also have a very strong prey drive.
- German Shepherd: This dog is one of the most used as police dogs, and it's no wonder! Their amazing sense of smell and their powerful sturdy body.
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