Skin care

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. March 20, 2018
Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens

See files for Cats

Despite their tiny size, fleas are a major nuisance. They are attracted to other living beings as they can use them as hosts for warmth, protection and, most importantly, a source of sustenance. Their presence for the host, however, is not mutually beneficial. They can cause skin irritation which leads to a lot of scratching, sometimes even drawing blood. Although an annoying itch is bad enough, fleas can also spread and encourage disease which has the potential to seriously damage a cat's health. The body heat of the cat also provides a fertile breeding ground. Without treatment the fleas can rapidly multiply and spread.

While this is bad enough for adult cats, kittens are particularly susceptible to disease. This is because they are at a more vulnerable time of their life and their immune system is weaker. A flea infestation in kittens can provide a health risk which could be potentially fatal if not dealt with. This is why AnimalWised has these different types of homemade flea treatment for kittens, to ensure your little cat grows up to be healthy and strong.

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  1. Bathe with warm soapy water
  2. Vaseline
  3. Alcohol
  4. Apple cider vinegar
  5. Flea trap
  6. Saltwater

Bathe with warm soapy water

Bathing your kitten can be a delicate process. In principle, we shouldn't start bathing our cats until after they have their vaccinations. As they shouldn't be in a circumstance where they will get dirty, this isn't usually a problem. However, when a kitten has a flea infestation, then circumstances have changed. You may need to consult your veterinarian before doing so and it is important to know you should never try to completely immerse a cat of any age in water. There is not only the potential risk of drowning, but the stress it can induce in the cat may affect them very negatively.

If you do choose to bathe your kitten to get rid of fleas, follow these steps:

  • Fill the sink with a shallow amount of warm water and gently introduce the kitten.
  • Avoid wetting their head. If they have fleas on their head, wet a cloth and carefully wipe the area clean.
  • Use a very small amount of kitten approved soap or shampoo to wash them.
  • Do not take too long as the water can get cold and promote problems.
  • Rinse carefully and dry by gently massaging them with a dry warm towel.

After bathing them, proceed to examine the kitten with a special flea comb. Gently running it through the baby cat's coat, check to see if you can find any fleas still hanging around. The soap will make the fur easier to examine as well as killing off fleas. Every time you find a flea, pick it up and put in the same soapy warm water to kill them and stop them spreading round your house. Ensure the environment for your kitten is a warm one and keep the are enclosed so that you can trap any fleas which try to escape. Clean the area very well after use.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Bathe with warm soapy water


Vaseline is a product found on many lists of home remedies. This is because it is so versatile and can be used for everything from protecting human skin to stopping cats from chewing on electrical wires. It turns out Vasleine can also be helpful when eliminating fleas on kittens. It does this by making the removal process easier.

When examining your cat for fleas, use the flea or lice comb to separate individual hairs and search for the insects. As fleas are known for their jumping ability, trying to catch them can be tricky. Instead of trying to pick them out, dab a drop of Vaseline on them. This will keep them in the one place and make them easy to pick off and kill.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Vaseline


Alcohol is another substance which is used for many different purposes around the home. It is also helpful in eliminating fleas in a similar way to Vaseline. We would say Vaseline is perhaps more effective, but if you don't have any available, alcohol comes in a close second. Rubbing alcohol (or surgical spirit in some countries) is great for stunning the fleas.

Combing through the kitten's fur, have a cotton swab daubed in the alcohol at the ready. When you see the flea, drop the alcohol on top of it and see that it becomes stunned. When stunned, you can more easily pick it up with some tweezers and dispose of it. Make sure you regularly dip the tip back into the alcohol to keep it refreshed.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Alcohol

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy which has been used long before your grandparents time. It is a natural product which is used for so many other home remedies, whether it is for hygiene purposes, home cleaning or disease management. This solution is one which should be used when you don't have access to other fleas treatment until later. The apple cider vinegar can be used as a preventative and deterrent rather than as an insecticide.

Mix the apple cider with water in a 2:1 ratio and put into a spray bottle. Shake well and spray your kitten and comb through their fur. Ensure you don't get any in their ears, eyes or any wounds they may have as it can cause irritation. Repeat every day and, if the fleas don't go away, you will need to use a more permanent solution recommended by your vet.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Apple cider vinegar

Flea trap

Fleas, like many insects, are attracted to light. The solution we have hear is not the most effective, but it is worth trying. It is also a good way to see how bad your cat's flea infestation is. Take a shallow dish and fill it with hot soapy water. Place this dish beside your cat. On the side furthest away from the kitten, place a light source, ideally one which also emits some heat.

The fleas should jump towards the light and then drown in the water leaving you with a watery flea cemetery. You will see that it gets rid of some of the fleas, but it is unlikely to get rid of all of them. Instead, use one of the previously described methods in conjunction with this one. Also, be careful the kitten doesn't try to drink the water. This can prove difficult.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Flea trap


Saltwater is unpleasant for many species (unless you're a tropical fish of course). Fleas are not an exception and saltwater can be used as an effective deterrent. However, it is not to be used on the kitten themselves. Fleas spend 3/4 of their lives away from the host, so getting rid of fleas on your kitten won't be sufficient to eliminate an infestation. To do this, you need to take all of their blankets, toys, beds and anything the kitten comes in touch with and clean them thoroughly.

Using the saltwater solution, you can clean all the surfaces and help stop the fleas from spreading. You can also use whole salt to spread around temporarily. This is because the salt dries up the larvae and kills the eggs of the fleas.

Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens - Saltwater

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Homemade Flea Treatment for Kittens