Facts about the animal kingdom of Cats
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147 articles

Many of us speak about calico cats as if they were their own breed. All calicos share distinct characteristics, both physically and genetically, but they are not a specific breed. The calico is a tricolor coat pattern which belongs to various breeds of cat. Of the estimated 600+ million domestic cats in...

White cats are often associated with deafness, and while there's some truth to this idea, the situation is more complex. Not all white cats are deaf, and deafness isn't exclusive to white cats. However, certain white cats are indeed at a significantly higher risk of hearing loss, depending on their...

A cat's sense of hearing is much more acute than our own, an evolutionary trait which has allowed them to continue to be the incredible hunters they are. There are important reasons for this. Humans have adapted to rely more on social communication and agriculture to meet our survivals needs. Since cats...

Understanding how cats perceive humans has been an aim of feline ethologists for many years. While biological research has helped us to understand the physical perception of cats, our knowledge of how cats see us emotionally is impeded by the limitations of interspecies communication. Put simply, we cannot...

If you look at a cat tongue up close, you will see there are tiny little white hooks covering its surface. Although we expect the tongues of a fellow mammal to be smooth like our own, different animals adapt their body parts for different reasons. A cat's tongue feels rough to the touch. If we are cuddling...

Curiosity, hunger, stress, affection, and grooming are just a few of the reasons why a cat might lick your hands. Cats are very particular about their hygiene and use licking to keep their skin and fur clean. If you’ve ever wondered why a cat licks your hands, it’s often tied to their grooming habits, which...

Sometimes referred to as making biscuits, kneading is a peculiar behavior in cats. The feline extends out their paws and draws their digits back and forth as if they were a baker kneading bread. They do it on many different surfaces, but usually those that are soft and give some resistance. These can...

Welcoming a litter of newborn kittens is an unforgettable experience for any cat lover. Their tiny paws and playful personalities make it hard to resist scooping them up for a cuddle. However, before you indulge that urge, it's important to understand the best practices for ensuring their health and safety.

Everyone knows that cats love to play around boxes, often pouncing, batting, and hiding inside them. This attraction isn't just a one time thing, cats repeatedly return to boxes for exploration, relaxation, and play. Their love for cardboard boxes is a curious and multifaceted phenomenon, offering them a...

Just like humans, cats experience distinct stages of life, each with specific needs. Understanding your cat's age is crucial for providing them with the tailored care, appropriate nutrition, and effective medical attention they deserve at every step of their journey. Whether you're welcoming a playful kitten,...

Cats have long captivated human imagination with their grace, agility, and mysterious character. Whether they're navigating narrow ledges or leaping from great heights, cats often seem to defy the odds and escape peril unscathed. No wonder why the saying "a cat has nine lives" has transcended cultures...

Cats are known for their independent and sometimes enigmatic nature, which can make it challenging for owners to really understand their feline friends' emotional states. However, cats are masters of subtle communication, often expressing themselves through body language and quiet vocalizations, and understanding...

The arrival of a newborn is a joyous occasion in any family, but for some pet owners, it can also spark a question: can cats live with newborns? The answer is positive, but achieving a harmonious household requires understanding the dynamics between these two very different members of your family. Get ready...

Does your cat keep leaving unwelcome surprises outside the litter box? This is a common struggle for many cat owners. This behavior can be due to several reasons, including stress, medical issues, or territorial marking. While it's important to address the underlying causes, using natural deterrents can...

Have you ever encountered a wary cat lurking on the edges of your neighborhood, seemingly wild and untamed? These are likely feral cats, descendants of domesticated cats who have adapted to a life in the wild. Unlike cuddly house cats, feral cats exhibit distinct characteristics and behaviors that are the result...

Have you ever watched your feline friend meticulously bury their feces in the litter box? This seemingly strange behavior is actually a deeply ingrained instinct with several reasons behind it. Understanding your cat's natural tendencies is key to building a strong bond and creating a harmonious home for...

Earning the trust of a cat can be a rewarding journey, especially when dealing with a shy or fearful cat. Unlike their canine counterparts, cats tend to be more independent creatures who take their time warming up to new people or situations. But fear not, with a little patience, understanding, and...

Have you ever witnessed your cat take a daring leap and land seemingly unscathed? It's no wonder the saying goes that "cats always land on their feet." But is this feline feat truly a magical superpower, or is there more to the story?
This AnimalWised article dives deeper than the popular saying to explore...

Cats are known for their cleanliness, exhibiting meticulous grooming habits in their surroundings. If your cat has taken to grooming itself on you, you may wonder about the reasons behind this behavior. While it may seem unusual, this behavior aligns with typical feline actions like rubbing against...

Cats cannot feel guilt the way humans can. Since they are such curious animals, it is very common for cats to get up to mischief. They can knock ornaments over, urinate somewhere they shouldn't or scratch anything within reach. These are normal behaviors for cats since they consider their environment and...

A cat will stretch repeatedly throughout the day. While this will sometimes be just before or after a nap, they can do it when they are completely wide awake. It makes sense that such an agile animal should stretch a lot, but it is important to know that certain behaviors can be interpreted differently depending...

A cat sticking out their tongue can be a curious behavior which is often caught on video for memes. It gives the cat a strange appearance which can mimic similar human gestures. Although this can be funny to us, any behavior which is out of the ordinary for a cat must be understood in context. While most...

A cat purring on top of you is one of the most relaxing states in which we can find ourselves. The low hum of their contented purring benefits both cat and guardian, with the simple fact of spending time together encouraging their bond. The eagerness with which the cat will lay on top of their guardian...

Cats exhibit a range of motivations when they climb onto their owners, often rooted in their natural instincts and emotions. Such behaviors can reflect affection, the search for warmth and comfort, scent marking, or a preference for elevated viewpoints. Cats are inherently inclined to stay close to...

Cats vibrating their tail are communicating with others in their environment. Different tail positions and movements in cats will have different interpretations. To understand what they mean, we need to study feline communication and body language. We also need to look at the context of the situation. Understanding...

Cats are known to love to sleep. They often sleep for hours during the day. In fact, it is not uncommon for a cat to sleep up to 16 hours a day, with some cats sleeping even more. Although this may seem excessive to some, this is completely normal behavior for cats. Even though it is normal for cats...

While there will be general consistency, most cats will have a somewhat capricious nature. Sometimes they will want to preserve their personal space and have some moments alone. Other times they will be appear desperate for company. As long as you have a good relationship with your cat and a strong bond...

If your cat is pregnant, it is a good idea to prepare for the time of birth and the birth of the kittens. A very common question is how many kittens can my cat have. Usually it is between four and six kittens, but larger or smaller litters are not uncommon. Furthermore, if we take into account that female...

Our cats are very protective of their paws and for good reason. They are sensitive appendages which allow the cat to carry out their basic functions, including the ability to walk, interact with their environment and even show emotion. Since they are such adventurous felines, domestic cats are at risk of various...

We know cats are very hygienic animals. They will spend much of their day grooming themselves senseless. Although we need to help them with brushing their coat and general maintenance, too many guardians neglect their dental care. Since a domestic cat's diet is different to their wild counterparts,...

Cats are known to sleep an average of 18 hours a day. The reason cats sleep so much is related to the fact that cats are naturally predators and need to rest between hunts. Even after domestication, they retain the habit of sleeping several hours a day, combining their naps with meals, just as they do...

It is common for cat guardians to see their feline staring at the corner of a room, seemingly at nothing. We may try to look at their field of vision only to see nothing of note. There are even times when our cat is seemingly staring at us for a prolonged period, but their line of sight remains steadfast...

The sense of smell in cats is one of the most developed senses in this species, along with hearing and sight. A cat's sense of smell is the primary means by which it can identify people and objects. In fact, their sense of smell is 14 times better than that of humans. It is rare for cats to lose their...

It is no secret to anyone that cats are unique and extraordinary animals. We who live with them are always amazed at all the things they can do. Cats have always aroused our curiosity and have even given rise to some myths and legends around the world.
The following AnimalWised article lists some of...

Dogs and cats are much more like us than we think, to the point that they are also ticklish. This is a sensation they feel when we stroke certain areas of their body where a large number of nerve endings are concentrated. However, unlike humans and primates, our pets are not able to feel all types of tickling.

You may have heard that cats' behavior changes when a woman living in the same household becomes pregnant. Some even claim that cats are able to tell if a woman is pregnant even before she knows it herself. But how can this be? There are few scientific studies on the subject, but everything we know so...

Any animal lover who walks out on the street and sees a stray cat in a bedraggled state will feel a certain amount of pity. When they come to our property, we may even feel compelled to feed them since we have the resources. AnimalWised asks should you feed stray cats? In asking the question, we are not...

Although they communicate mainly through body language, cats make all kinds of sounds that have different meanings. The meow is certainly the best known of all. If you share your home with a cat, you have probably asked yourself questions like “Why does my cat meow when it sees me?”, “Why does my cat...

Cats progress through a number of life stages in their lifetime. As a cat guardian, learning how they change physically and behaviorally will help you to provide the right level of care at every stage of development. Remaining ignorant of these stages can mean you provide the wrong care, making natural...

A famous axiom claims ‘dogs have owners, cats have staff’. This is due to the cat's reputation as being aloof and even contemptuous of their human guardians. While dogs may bound to our side if they hear us shuffling in a different room, you could call all night for a cat and they won't leave their comfy...

Cats have a reputation for being selfish and unaffectionate. While they may be generally more independent than some other pets, the bonds with they forge with their human guardians can be as strong as any companion animal relationship. Their level of affection and interaction will depend on the individual,...

Cats are almost synonymous with sleep. Although they can be very active and agile, they need to spend the majority of their dat at rest. While asleep, we may see them make noises or movements, something which can lead us to ask if cats can dream? Taking it further, if they can dream, do cats have nightmares?

We know that cats do not show love to their guardians in the same way humans do with each other. They cannot speak verbally with us, so they have to rely on body language and other forms of communication. When we see them rubbing their face against us, it is a clear sign of affection or perhaps a petition...

When considering adopting a cat, many people see their supposed independence as a benefit. Irresponsible guardians will think they can leave the cat alone all day and they will not care. Although it will depend on the individual, cats are much more social than their reputation suggests. Some are more...

Many people see cats as having spiritual, mystical or even magical capacities. While there is no empirical evidence to confirm such abilities, we can see the bonds they forge with humans are special. Some people think the relationship people have with their cats is one-sided. They think cats don't care...

A common phenomenon in domestic cats is sitting by a window and make a chattering sound. The exact reason for this sound is unknown, but it occurs when they see potential prey. Such prey can range in size and species. They might do it when they see a bird, a rodent or other small mammals. However, they...

You can recognize a tortoiseshell cat from their distinct coat pattern and color combination. Like a calico cat, their coat incorporates white, black and orange colors. Unlike a calico cat, they are patterned over their body like a painter's palette. Where calico cats have distinct patches of color, usually...

When living alongside them, humans are often surprised by certain strange behaviors cats exhibit. Most of these behaviors, however peculiar they may seem to us, are completely natural and are part of their social order. They play an important role in how they interact with other animals and people....

What a cat will look like physically is, for the most part, dictated by their genetics. The genes carried by their parents will determine what is their eventual body shape, coat type and color. Although cats will look different when compared to being a kitten with being an adult cat, it doesn't mean they...

If we have a cat in the family, it is likely we love nature and have a respect for living beings. We might not think about it too much, but our cat likely feels the same. While many housecats are happy to remain indoors where it is safe, those with experience of the outside world have their curiosity...