Animal list
227 breeds

The Birman cat is a popular domestic cat breed known for their unique appearance. Their long-haired, color-pointed silky coat and deep blue eyes easily distinguishes them between other breeds. These cats are very calm and well-tempered. They enjoy company by their human-companion. Like any other cat...

The Balinese is a cat that originates from the US and descends from the Siamese among other long-haired cats. They are well tempered, soft and affectionate domestic cats that will love their owners immensely.

The Burmese cat is not actually, as many people believe, a variant of Siamese cats. The Burmese cat breed dates back to the Middle Ages, although it didn’t reach the US and Europe until this last century.
For more about Burmese cats and their origin, character, physical characteristics and required care,...

The Himalayan cat, also known as Himmie cat, is a man-made bred cat. This cat is a cross between the Persian cat, evident in its physical characteristics and the Siamese cat, from which it has inherited its characteristic patterns. The combination of these two predecessors offers us a unique, elegant and very beautiful...

With many traits in common with its sister breed, the Abyssinian cat, the Somali cat is often considered its longer-haired version. The Somali cat is, however, a cat breed in itself and is known for its character, intelligence and distinctive beautiful coat.
Are you thinking of adopting a Somali cat?...

The Sphynx is a very unique cat. It was the first cat without hair or apparent fur to be accepted as a breed. The sphynx has created an interesting dynamic in human society with its large group of likes and dislikes. Many people appreciate the cat for its different features and hairless skin, while others dislike...

With it’s characteristic fluffy and cottony coat, captivating look and sociable character, it’s no surprise that the Turkish Van cat breed is so widely desired. Whether you’ve just adopted a Turkish Van or are thinking of adopting one, this article is for you!
For more about the origin, care, character,...

The Korat cat breed, originally from Thailand, is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. In Thailand, this cat breed is considered a bearer of both fortune and good luck.
For more about the mysterious, intelligent and playful Korat cat breed, keep reading here at AnimalWised. In this Korat cat breed...

The Ashera cat is undoubtedly a very popular cat, either due to their slender and beautiful figure, their quiet and silent character or the exorbitant price of those who created them. Indeed, the Ashera cat is a feline developed in an American laboratory, a hybrid between different species.
In this...

The American Bully is a recent dog breed from the United States that descends from the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier, as well as more distant relatives like the English Bulldog and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. It has been recognized by the United Kennel Club since 2013,...

The American Akita is a variant of Akita Inu from the northern and mountainous regions of Japan. The American strain of this breed is known simply as the akita. This variant of the breed appears in all kinds of colors unlike the Japanese akita. This breed is commonly known for being very resistant to...

The Alaskan Malamute, is a breed of dog native to the Arctic and is considered one of the longest-living breeds in the history of sled dogs. Its imposing and demanding presence gives off a mistaken impression of its real character.
Its appearance is similar to that of a wolf. For this reason, this breed...

The origin of the Beagle dates back to around 5th century BC. When Xenophon, who in his Treatise on hunting with dogs, refers to a hound that might well be the first Beagle. The beagle was selectively bred to produce the tiny "pocket beagle" or "glove beagle", favored by royalty from as early as the 13th...

The American chinchilla is a rabbit that got its name from because of its fur. These rabbits, when first presented to the public, were incredibly popular because of their fur. The reason for this is that this coat so greatly resembled that of the South American Chinchilla lanigera. There is however no kinship...

The schnauzer is an elegant, agile and robust dog, characterized by their great intelligence and loyalty. Informally they are also called the standard schnauzer - but this is not the official name of the breed. These dogs are very curious, intelligent and of an incomparable character. They are really...

The common European cat is also known as the "Roman cat" since it was at this time when they spread throughout Europe. Their Latin name is Felis Catus. It is believed that this breed comes from the African wild cat and the jungle cat although their origins are very uncertain. Other sources say they come...

The pug, is a very specific dog. If there was a way to define it in two words we could say it's a bonsai mastiff. The breed's official motto multum in parvo (latin for: a lot in little: a lot of substance for such small space), certainly refers to great dog in a small body.
This breed needs to have...

The English bull dog is a breed with an unmistakable appearance. Robust and short, they look fierce (due to their origins), despite their character which is usually affectionate and calm. They are ideal for families in which special attention is given to pets, since they are dogs that need to be continuously...

The American bulldog is a powerful, athletic and brave dog that instills great respect. This dog is one of the most similar to the original bulldog of the nineteenth century. An inexperienced eye can confuse an American bulldog with a boxer, pitbull or the Argentinian bulldog, since there are many similarities...

The French bulldog is a small but sturdy dog. Its bat ears and flattened face are its two most notable characteristics, in addition to its good-natured and affectionate temperament. It originates from the first bulldogs of England. Like all variants of this breed, and like their compatriots, they are animals that...

The Great Dane is one of the largest, most elegant and charismatic dogs. The standard of the breed accepted by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) describes it as "the Apollo of the dog breeds", due to its well-proportioned body and and perfect harmony.
Whether you are thinking of adopting...

The Scottish Terrier or Scottie is a small but solid and well-muscled dog breed: a very powerful dog in a small package. Their characteristic beard gives them a peculiar look and matches their elegant bearing.
In this AnimalWised file we will go over the main traits of the Scottish Terrier, including...

Coton de Tuléar is a beautiful Malagasy companion dog. Its main characteristic is its white, soft and cotton textured coat, hence its name. This breed can adapt to any situation. It is affectionate, sociable and ideal for families, as well as single or elderly people, provided they have the time that...

The Lhasa Apso, or lhaso apso, is a small dog that is characterized by its long and abundant coat. This little dog looks like a miniature version of the old English shepherd and is originally from Tibet. Although not very well known, the lhasa apso is a very popular dog in its own region and despite its tiny...

Dachshunds are famous and charismatic dogs which originate from Germany. In English dachshund means ‘‘badger dog’’. This name makes reference to the original function of this as dog a badger hunter. Dachshunds are also known in German as as teckel or dackel.
In this AnimalWised article we will tell you...

The Spanish Greyhound or Galgo Español is a tall, slender and strong dog originally bred to hunt hares. They are similar to English Greyhounds, but the trained eye can spot several differences.
While the Spanish Greyhound is not yet popular outside of Spain, more and more people have started to adopt them...

The Swiss white shepherd (berger blanc suisse), of wolfish appearance with dense white fur, is one of the most beautiful dogs in the world. Both morphologically and phylogenetically, this dog is essentially a white-haired German shepherd.
Throughout its history, the breed has received a large amount...

The Russian black terrier, or tchiorny terrier, is big, beautiful, great guard and defense dog. Despite its name, it does not belong to the terrier group. This dog actually belongs to the pinscher and schnauzer breed. They are very active dogs and sometimes can be a little aggressive, as their origins...

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Their adorable appearance and the fact that they are Queen Elizabeth II's favorite dogs have turned these hard-working herding dogs into canine royalty. Although their cute looks may make you believe they are easy-going family dogs,...

The Italian greyhound is the smallest of all greyhounds, and one of the oldest companion dogs.
Although occasionally used for hunting small animals, its main use was always as a companion dog. It was also used (and is still used) in dog races, but never as much as its older relative, the greyhound.

The beauceron, also known as the french shorthaired sheperd, shepherd of Beauce or Berger de Beauce is a sheepdog of French origin. There is very little information about this breed in Europe and the rest of the world. It is an intelligent and active dog, capable of developing all kinds of exercises,...

The short-haired collie, or smooth collie, is practically the same as the long-haired collie, the only difference being the length of the coat. This dog is not as well known as its longhair counterpart.
The difference in the coat presents a perfect adoption option for people who love Collies but don’t...

The whippet is one of the lightest greyhounds, a reduced size compared to other greyhounds. This dog looks like a greyhound but smaller, and it was formerly used as a hunting or racing dog. Of British origin, the whippet is a really popular dog, generally because of its slender and elegant appearance....

The Norfolk terrier is a small, friendly and very active dog. This breed is a hunter by nature. The Norfolk terrier is a close relative of the Norwich terrier. This breed used to be a worker dog but is now known as an excellent companion dog.

Because of their kinship with the schnauzer and their past as a shepherd dog, Giant Schnauzers are large, robust and strong dogs. They serve both as surveillance and protection dogs. Being so big, they need a good dose of daily exercise, so we do not recommend this dog for people who do not have time...

The greyhound or English greyhound is the fastest dog in the world, able to reach speeds of up to 65 kilometers per hour. This in fact makes it one of the fastest animals in the world. This breed are therefore the most favourite greyhound breed for greyhound races that are still currently held. This...

German shorthaired pointers are multifunctional hunting dogs. They are able to perform tasks such as collection and tracking. That is why they are very popular among hunters.
Despite a somewhat unknown origin, we do known they are very intelligent and loyal dogs. This breed needs a large dose of daily...

The Australian Cattle Dog or ACD, also nicknamed Queensland heeler, and Red or Blue Heeler depending on their coloring, is a beloved dog breed with amazing qualities for advanced training, herding and sports.
They are excellent dogs, but they are not suitable for just any owner. They have great physical...

The Pekingese is a small dog with a flat nose and lion-like appearance. They were, at one time, sacred animals and part of Asian royalty. Currently, they are very popular animals all over the world and their soft mantle invites you to a never-ending caress.
If you are thinking about adopting a Pekingese dog,...

According to the World Canine Organization (FCI), there is one German Spitz breed with a single standard that includes five different varieties:
Keeshond (Wolfsspitz)
Giant Spitz (Großspitz)
Medium Spitz (Mittelspitz)
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz)
Pomeranian (Zwergspitz)
These five varieties are practically...

The Kangal is the national dog of Turkey. Its name comes from the district of Kangal in the province of Sivas, where this breed originated. This dog’s purpose was to guard and protect sheep, but not guide them. Its size, courage and determination made it a perfect defender against predators or thieves.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a beautiful, family-oriented breed that gives excellent results in search and rescue and therapy support. These dogs are calm, docile and sociable, besides being very clever. They are not suitable for apartments or small houses, as they need lots of physical exercise and...

The Cane Corso or Italian mastiff is undoubtedly, together with the Neapolitan mastiff, one of the most impressive Italian dog breeds. Its name derives from the Latin " cohors ", which means "protector, guardian of the farmyard".
If you are thinking about adopting a cane corso, it will be fundamental to...

The English Cocker Spaniel is a very intelligent, playful and sociable dog. They feel a lot of attachment for their human family and need to always be with them to feel good. This makes them susceptible to separation anxiety. This does not mean that we can never leave them alone, but if you do not have...

If you have heard of or seen a lykoi cat, you were probably taken aback. This breed never leaves anyone indifferent. They are one of the newest breeds of domesticated felines. In fact, they are still in the process of being fully admitted as a breed because they are only a few specimens worldwide. This...

The Russian blue Cat is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beautiful felines. If you are thinking of adopting a cat of this breed, you must be informed of their character, hair care or specific traits they possess. AnimalWised will explain everything you need to know about the Russian blue, including...

The poodle is one of the most well-known dogs in the world, due to their elegance, intelligence and balanced character. According to the International Cynological Federation (FCI), poodle dogs are classified into four varieties according to their size: toy, miniature, medium and standard. However, other cynological...

The Bombay cat is undoubtedly one of the most popular and beautiful cat breeds that exist. If you are thinking about adopting a cat of this breed do not hesitate to inform yourself properly about all its characteristics, the character they usually have as well as the basic care required. We'll also...

The Pyrenees Mountain dog is also known as the Great Pyrenees. Historically, this large and resistant mountain dog was used as a livestock guardian dog, but now they are well-loved for being wonderful family dogs.
In this Animalwised breedfile we will tell you you all the characteristics of the Great Pyrenees,...

The Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Miniature or Standard Poodle. Although not officially considered a breed by any major dog expert organization, like the FCI, their popularity has warranted them an AnimalWised breedfile. Like the labradoodle’s parents, they are usually highly...